Levi x Traitor!Reader ~ Court Pt.2

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Request: (I'm not sure if it was you who wrote this but if it ain't just ignore this request) So I was thinking for the thing u wrote about the reader going to court cuz she's a shifter but then everything's fine cuz they do the same to her as to Eren. Could u switch it up and have the reader be tortured and then hanged to death but the others save her before she dies cuz they think it's unfair! (Hope I'm clear😅❤️)

This is a great idea ^.^

Warning: Cursing


''Y/N L/N, your sentence... Death, you will be hung from the noose in two weeks... Until then you will be put until the Military Polices control''

Those words rang in your ears as you stared wide-eyed up to Zachary, a few murmurs were heard from the Scouts. A couple sighs of relief and snickers were heard from the Military Police as they watched your shocked form. Spinning your head to the left where the Scouting Regiment stood, Erwin looked to be in deep thought and Hanji had an arm over Levi's chest to keep him back from jumping over the railing. Stormy grey eyes met your own as tears pricked at the corner of your eyes.

The click of boots sounded in the court as the same two MP's who had escorted you here earlier arrived back. You didn't take your eyes off of Levi as he stared shocked, Hanji flicked her gaze from him to you and gave you a sympathetic expression as the MP's hauled you up. ''Wait! She said she was forced to commit the crimes! Why in the world would you kill someone who had no choice but to do that shit!'' Eren roared from next to Mikasa and Armin.

You averted your gloomy gaze from Levi's as sobs took over your body, the two guards shoving you out of the court soon before the other Regiments were allowed to leave.

// Time Skip \

I sat against the cold stone wall as shackles held up my wrists, a bruise had formed on my cheek from last nights beating. My ankle was in immense pain I was convinced it was fractured or sprained. The door to the cell opened I snapped my head to the sudden sound seeing an MP walk in with handcuffs.

Roughly taking my weak wrists the MP set the other pair of handcuffs on and took off the chains. Forcing me to stand they kept quiet and took me out of the little hell hole I was in.

The bright warm sunlight greeted my dull E/C orbs as I stepped out into the sun, a large crowd had arrived and now was standing near the podium where the noose stood proudly. Minutes from now I would be hung from it and it even worsened my mood, the crowd started shouting and boo'ing as I strolled by keeping my gaze trained on the stone path below me. The guard was literally pulling me along to the bottom of the podium, there they handed me over to a Inne MP who brought me up onto the tall wooden stand. ''I hope you're happy with yourself you monster'' the person grumbled as I looked over the crowd, taking a glance to the MP I frown ''you're the monster, not me'' I simple say before they shove me forward below the noose.

Gulping I paled at the sight of it, attempting to calm my breath as they lowered it to me. Not halfway lowering it they stopped due to the sounds of multiple sets of 3DM Gear going off, snapping my vision to the side my eyes widen at the sight of Scouts hurdling towards the stand from every direction. The MP shrieked in terror as Levi bulleted over and landed a kick to their face making them fall off, he moved swiftly around the podium taking out the MP's who scrambled to get their guns ready. The crowd erupted in screams as they scattered, nearby MP's who were taking guard around the area begun to fight with some Scouts who attacked them.

Turning to me Levi took out a key, frantically putting it in the handcuffs they clicked open and fell to the wooden floor. ''Levi-'' I was cut off when he pressed a quick kiss to my lips before pulling away. ''Don't speak, listen! You need to run, use your titan form and follow these directions! Don't worry you'll be alright just go!'' Levi said shoving a small rolled up page into my hands. Nodding from confusion I leap off the podium, latching my jaws onto my hand I feel electricity and steam take over from all around me as my titan form grows up around me.

Landing on the ground with a loud thump I look back to Levi who hit an MP in the face before nodding to me in reassurance, nodding slightly I take off away from the scene, sprinting down streets as a few soldiers chased me.

Turning a sharp corner I turn swiftly around and face the few MPS's that's chasing me, seeing their eyes widen from fear then back to determination they darted towards me. Grasping onto one of the MP's hooks I slam them into the ground beneath me, Hanji flies in and shoves her blades into another one as I swat away the rest. Landing onto the bridge of my nose Hanji hangs on from a strand of H/C hair as she looks into my large E/C eyes. ''Y/N dear can you hear me?'' she calls out earning a slight nod from me making her grin and point off into a different direction. ''Escape from that direction! Jump over the wall and keep heading forward until sunset! Levi has given you a map and directions, you should arrive at a large forest by sunset! Take a rest there and we'll find you'' she orders as I manage to crack a smile in my titan form causing her jaw to drop slightly. ''See you then Y/N'' she winks before setting off again, turning the way she pointed I took off in that direction again.

On the way to the wall I had to swat and crush a few MP's since they began to tear away at my flesh, luckily Mikasa arrived and helped. Jumping against a building I propelled myself upwards, digging my fingers into the wall I scraped up it in a hurry as Scouts and MP's went at it all around me. Arriving at the top of the wall I stand up slightly looking down to the group of soldiers who fought, swinging my legs off the wall I dropped.

Soon hitting the grass I stretch slightly before bounding off again, the wall getting smaller and smaller with every step I take. After a few hours, the sunsets and I arrive at the massive forest.

Ripping myself out of the nape of my Titan I gasp from the cool air hitting my skin as steam rose to the sky from the corpse, standing up I wince slightly and claw myself onto a high branch in case there were any little titans around. Laying down I catch my breath as I look out to the sunset in exhaustion 'I hope everyone's alright... This better not fuck up the Scout Regiment..' I think glancing down to the titan corpse which was knelt down hunched over. Biting the inside of my lip I flick my gaze back to the sunset watch the sun disappear over the hills.

// Time Skip - Next Morning \

Groaning I open my eyes, inhaling the forest air as I stretch slightly. The bruise and injury to my ankle has healed since there's no pain anywhere in my body currently. Standing up I pop my joints like a lazy house cat and sigh from relief, that had been the greatest amount of rest I've gotten in ages.

A loud shot was heard as I dart my E/C orbs to the sound.

Signal flares.

Sitting down I bring my legs to my chest watching the multiple flares go off every now and then, soon enough, horses ride over the small hill into my vision. Erwin was leading the Scouts straight towards the forest, my titan corpse was now a large skeleton with some steam still coming from it right beneath the branch I sat on. ''They arrived quicker than I expected..'' I mumble quietly seeing the Regiment grow closer and closer. I notice Levi riding alongside Erwin and Hanji to Erwin's other side making me smile lightly.

Standing up with an excited grin on my lips I wave my arms frantically, gaining Levi's attention as he raised his head to me. Pointing to me showing Erwin where I stood Hanji squealed in joy. Jumping off his horse Levi zipped by the titan skeleton and up the tree, landing on the branch a few steps away from me he lightly jogged to me and took my in a hug ''you're alright..'' he breathed as I chuckled ''yeah I'm alright.''. Pulling away Levi stared into my E/C eyes with a dazed expression before swiftly kissing me.

''You're safe now''

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