Levi x Singer!Reader ~ Angelic

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Request: Could you do Levi heading someone singing as he walks by the showers and it's the most beautiful voice he's ever heard and so he hides out near the exit only to see it's the reader who later exits and has the voice he heard

Warning: Cursing

Song: Lana Del Rey - This is what makes us girls


You turned off the shower knob singing to yourself while rinsing out your H/C hair, getting a towel you wrapped your hair up. Continuing to sing you dried yourself off slightly so you wouldn't be dripping wet, plus saving the fact of being freezing.

''There she was my new best friend,

High heels in her hand swaying in the wind,

When she starts to cry,

Mascara running down her little Bambi eyes,

'Y/N how I hate those guys' ''

I sang softly drying off my legs.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I was walking by the shower rooms looking out the windows to the training grounds outside until an angelic voice grabbed my attention. Quickly realizing it came from the female shower room. Standing against the window I pretend I'm watching some cadets train but really I'm listening to whoever was singing from inside the showers.

''This is what makes us girls,

We don't look for heaven and we put love first,

Something that we'd die for it's our curse,

Don't cry about it,

Don't cry about it,

This is what makes us girls,

We don't stick together because we put our love first,

Don't cry about him

Don't cry about him

It's all gonna happen''

I stand there, the stranger's voice sending fucking chills over me as I hear shuffling come from inside. I quickly move further up the corridor making it look like I don't know about the singing. Glancing down the corridor I see Y/N walk out with her uniform on, her hair shining in the light looking soft as always.

// Your P.O.V \

I walk out of the shower room after putting the towels in the washing basket, spotting the Corporal up near the entrance of the corridor with a scowl on his face as he watches some of my friends train. I walk up to him and send him a gentle smile ''hello sir'' I clasp my hands behind my back ''hello cadet did you just come out of the shower or were you skipping training?'' Levi doesn't bother looking at me, his raven hair shining due to the sunlight peering in at us through the window. ''Yes sir I was in the shower'' I say slightly confused as I gaze out the window to Eren and the others. ''You have a nice voice Y/N, you're a good singer'' Levi says out of the blue.

I blink ''u-uh th-thanks sir'' I stutter flustered from the compliment. ''You know.. with a voice like that it would be simple to become a singer here behind the walls but instead, you stay at the Military'' Levi crosses his arms looking to me ''uh- well sir this place is kinda like my home... Plus I got all my friends here so I'm happy where I am'' you chirp happily.

You noticed Levi bite back a smirk that threatened to play on his lips. ''Y/N come to my office tonight at 9pm, don't worry, you're not in trouble'' Levi clicks his tongue before walking away. ''Alright sir! See you at nine!'' you call out to him a little too loudly, a few seconds after he disappeared around the corner you realized what you just said. 'Wait.. I made it sound like he asked me on a date! Shit! Oh shit please don't tell me someone heard that! God dammit Y/N!' I mentally scold myself before heading out to the training grounds.

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