Injured!Levi x Reader ~ Handsome

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A/N: By injured I mean Levi being kept from Scout duty since he injured his leg by the Female Titan *cOuGh* AnNIe, so yeah he just wears that handsome tux for now

Warning: Cursing

Summary: You spend a day with your favorite Lieutenant


Feeling your eyes flutter open you groaned facing the window as the bright warm sunlight peered down on top of you, lazily hanging an arm and leg out of the side of the bed you lay there for a few minutes hearing quite shuffling from in front of the bed you shot your head up raising a tired eyebrow at whoever was there.

Quickly noticing Levi who stared back at you in the mirror whilst tucking his light grey shirt into his black pants as he offered you a simple smile "finally awake huh?" Levi asked watching you turn over in the bed to face him, laying there you silently nodded. Levi clicked his tongue at your wrecked behavior.

Looking over his shoulder spotting his cravat on the chair by the bed he strolled over and picked it up. "Where are you going? We could've cuddled for a bit" you sent him a pout as he sighs in return "Hanji wants to talk to me about stuff" Levi answered putting the white fabric around his neck and proceeded to fold it in different ways eventually ending up into his signature cravat, going back over to the mirror Levi pulled out his collar fixing it over before turning to you. "How long are you going to lay there and gawk?" Levi watched you sit up stretching as you smiled softly "what? Is it a crime to watch my handsome boyfriend get changed into a very nice looking outfit?" you playfully shot back to him earning a low chuckle. "Hmm... Yes." he says plainly moving across the room opening one of the doors to his closet and pulling out a smooth black jacket, setting the hanger back in the closet and shutting the door Levi placed the jacket on the end of the bed as you sat there quietly.

"When will you be back? Or are you out for the day? Shit.. I just remembered I have training later.." you groaned at the thought of running multiple laps as Levi made his usual 'tch' noise "I don't know how long I'll be since it's Hanji we're talking about" he mutters walking into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom "and you better be ready for training later!" you heard him call out from the bathroom making you roll your eyes. Laying back you wrapped your arms around Levi's pillow snuggling into it "oh pillow how I love you so much" you say hearing the sink go off then shortly stop and out came Levi fixing his hair. "Having an affair with my pillow I see?" he says pretending to shoot the pillow a glare making you giggle "nooooo... I'm just simply... Complimenting it?" you couldn't help but let a goofy smile cross your lips from your half-assed excuse. Levi shook his head going over to his nightstand he picked up a small bottle of cologne spraying it over his neck before putting it back down.

Kneeling down he took his shoes out from under the bed as you swung both your legs out at the opposite side of him, forcefully pushing yourself off of the inviting bed you stood there rubbing your eyes. Levi finished putting on his shoes, walking over to the end of the large bed he picked up his jacket and slung it over his shoulders taking one last glance in the mirror. He turned to you gently cupping your cheeks before planting a kiss to your forehead "gotta go" Levi mumbled watching you nod. Dropping his hands to his sides he walked out of the bedroom "I'll see you later, love you brat" he called back to you "alright! Cya! Love youu~!" you called back to him as a smile pestered your lips making you giggle like a little school girl, you heard the door to his office shut signaling Levi went to go find Hanji.

Running a hand through your H/C hair you went into Levi's bathroom to get a shower and get changed for the day.

// Time Skip \

You stood there leaning over as your friends panted gulping down their bottles of water, you all had finished sprinting laps and now you felt like dying. "Great job everyone! Eren~! You know what time it is! " a bubbly voice called out from behind you, snapping your head over you saw Hanji waving to the group grinning while Levi followed behind her with his arms crossed, the usual stern look on his face. "Se-Section Commander!" Eren stuttered saluting, feeling a gentle nudge at your arm you glanced over to your right where Historia stood holding a spare water bottle to you "yOU GODDESS!" you happily praised taking the water from her you violently gulped it down like a vicious animal. "Heh.. Anytime" Historia respond before leaving.

Finishing the drink in a few minutes you let out a large sigh as relief washed over you-you watched Hanji talk to Eren about some stuff, swiftly noticing Levi wasn't with them making your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Looking for me?" came a voice from beside you, squeaking like a mouse you turned to the slightly taller man. "O-oh hey" you greet your lover as he nods "I see you worked hard during training.. Since you were panting like a dog and taking water like you were about to die of dehydration" Levi said to you, shyly nodding you clasped your hands behind your back "How did the thing with Hanji go?" you spark a conversation with Levi, he sighs "she talked about shitty titans, wanting to experiment on Eren, she's going to Erwin asking if she can go capture another titan... You know the usual..." Levi mumbled the last part making you silently question him. "I hope you know after drinking that much water you'll be pissing for the three walls for the rest of the day" Levi continues, sending him a playful frown you nodded hesitantly.

"Ooh Y/N how are you?" Hanji grinned your way walking over, flicking your orbs to the scientist you sent her a smile "I'm doing good Hanji, what 'bout you?" you say as she stops to stand in front of you and Levi "I'm doing great! A lot of titan related things are happening and so far the research is going well!" she chuckled happily fixing her goggles. "Anyways! Dear Y/N! We finally have a clue who the female titan is!" she squealed in a hushed tone leaning over to you, raising an eyebrow you titled your head to the side "uh? Oh yeah the female titan! Well who is it!" your sudden excitement made Levi quite.. concerned thinking you spend too much time with the titan-obsessed woman. "Well we think it's Annie Leonhart" Hanji informed you, immediately your eyes grew wide "w-wait it's Annie..?" you say shocked at the fact one of your close friends is the reason why most soldiers didn't make it back from the 57th Expedition. "Yes but we don't have any proof yet so don't tell anyone" Hanji said in a serious tone, nodding you looked to Levi who was watching you as Hanji walked off to find Erwin.

Immediately remembering earlier you smirked smugly "what?" Levi said watching your expression "well since I caught you staring how long are you going to stand there and gawk?" you tease him making Levi grunt "I do have the right to look at my girlfriend, I'll be getting a better view of you later anyways" he says watching a fiery blush take over your cheeks.


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