Headcanon #5

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 Request: Could you do a hc for levi with a really sassy reader? Take all the time you need and thanks! ^^ 🌸

I gotchu fam don't worry lol

Warnings: None


¬ Levi was casually ordering people when he turned to you telling you to clean the corridor

¬ What he didn't expect was for you to straight up refuse

¬ Levi's face was priceless

¬ After 10 minutes of trying to threaten you, you eventually gave in getting bored

¬ Levi always kept an eye on you

¬ He almost lost it when you called him shorty in front of everyone else

¬ Stables duty for 3 months

¬ You and Levi would often be caught bickering like an old couple

¬ This leads to Hanji teasing him

¬ You're surprisingly good in combat training and with your 3DM Gear which amazes him

¬ He rolls his eyes whenever you do something impressive

¬ You would be caught teasing him playfully

¬ That grumpy clean freak would be angry

¬ You get so much amusement from him it's hilarious

¬ That's until Erwin called you to his office after dinner

¬ You laid it off a little

¬ a little

¬ But Levi secretly loves the attention he's getting even when he feels like he's going insane from you

¬ You bring some extra life to the Survey Corps

¬ And to that clean freak

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now