Levi x Yeager!Reader ~ Damn Yeager

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Request: heyy!! could you write a scenario for levi's reaction where levi's s/o is eren's sister but she doesn't look like eren because she's adopted and nobody knows she's eren's sister until armin accidentaly blurted it out

Warning: None

Sorry this is really short I didn't really know how to play it out in a scenario


You were lined up with your friends standing side by side while saluting, your elder brother Eren standing at your right and Armin standing at your left. The corporal was pacing up and down menacingly glaring at each one of you as he passed you all by, hands clasped behind his back as he carefully watched you all internally tremble. ''Everyone! 10 laps! Now!'' Levi barked towards your group after glancing at you.

Not even 3 minutes passed and you all had 5 laps done, panting and sweating from sprinting you noticed Eren fall to the ground ahead of you holding his chest. You stopped immediately with Mikasa and came to his aid when you heard Levi shout over to you three asking why you stopped running. Mere seconds later he was behind your kneeling form gently nudging the bottom of your back with his boot ''Y/N, Mikasa you both continue on.. let me deal with this Yeager'' Levi said injecting venom onto the 'yeager' part as you and Mikasa got back up and began to run again. Catching up to Armin who was oblivious to the scene since he was chatting with Jean a couple meters ahead. ''Hey Armin! Hi, Jean'' you smiled towards the two boys who greeted you and Mikasa. ''Where's Eren?'' Armin asked gently ''he fell, the shrimp is 'taking care of him' but I he tries anything I'll kill him'' Mikasa rolled her eyes at the thought of Levi.

// Time Skip \

It was dinner, everyone was eating and chatting with their friends. I look over to the superior table catching Levi looking at me, me and Levi were in a relationship for a few months now but we tried keeping it behind closed doors but of course, eventually, Hanji found out then Commander Erwin. Levi raised his eyebrow, taking up his cup by the brim and sipping his tea while his predator-like eyes never left mine. My cheeks flushed red when he removed the cup from his lips, placing it back down on the table with a smirk as I looked back to the others.

''Y/N who were you staring at?'' Eren questioned laying a hand on my shoulder ''oh I wasn't staring at anyone'' I replied grinning at him. Eren only shrugged, a few seconds later I felt a presence behind me I turn around to face Levi who was glaring dangerously at Eren before gently pulling me up to him. ''Be careful of Yeager Y/N you don't know what he could be thinking'' Levi warned ''Y-Y/N is a Yeager sir!'' Armin anxiously blurted out causing Levi to stop completely before looking to me and then to Eren. ''But you two don't even look alike'' Levi asked ''Unless one of you are adopted?'' He continued I nodded ''Eren's parents adopted me when I was younger'' I explained lightly smiling to him, Levi clicked his tongue before gently taking my sleeve ''come on.. we're going to my room'' he stated plainly as he began to walk away with me. 

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