Stressed!Levi x Reader ~ Ignore You

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Request: I'd love some Levi x femReader of some like hurt comfort kind of stuff. I've had some weird complications in my relationship (I'm craving some comfort lol) and I love your writing! I would appreciate it!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

Heyy! I'm sorry about not getting this done quicker I've been trying to speed through requests! I'm sorry to hear about some complications in your relationship I hope everything goes well for you and gets better <3

Warning: Slight Angst at the beginning, Cursing


You had been in a perfect little relationship with Levi for a year now, and you were ecstatic for your upcoming anniversary next month. You would be very giddy when it came to anniversaries and you always made sure you only got Levi the best.

But recently he had been distant, he would ignore you on the corridor, give you short answers when you actually tried to spark a conversation and it worried you. Levi wouldn't normally do this, he wouldn't ignore your existence during the day and you were becoming scared of what could happen. So you had to tell someone.

And that someone was Hanji.

Of course you were great buddies with Hanji, you two would always experiment on titans with each other and had a very close friendship.

Hanji had found you crying quietly to yourself one night and was by your side in a heartbeat, frantically asking what's wrong and what happened. Pulling yourself together a little you managed to tell her the whole thing about Levi suddenly ignoring your existence making her frown in confusion, normally you and Levi would be joined at the hip, always together but now he's suddenly ignoring you.

That night you stayed in Hanji's room with her, sitting on her bed drinking hot chocolate as you both chatted for the entire night, joking and laughing remembering sometimes your experiments went crazy.

Dawn was quick to roll around and you ushered Hanji to sleep, thanking her for spending the night with you and making you feel better. You walked out of her office and traveled back to your own room.

// Time Skip \

You had been reading for the past two hours, then again, this book you were reading was very interesting and you wouldn't mind spending the day reading it if you wanted to. Sitting up on your bed you didn't tear your eyes away from the novel, the sounds of paper being flicked over from you moving onto a new page filled the quiet room every now and then as you got lost in the fantasy world of the novel.

A soft knock sounded at your door followed by silence from outside, flicking your eyes to the door then back to the book. ''Come in!'' you called out to whoever it was, soon your door opened and you listened to the footsteps of someone walking in and shutting the door behind them.

Trailing your E/C orbs to the birch door your eyes landed on Levi who leaned against it looking to the floor with a guilty expression. ''What's up?'' you asked, placing your puppy themed bookmark on the page you were on and closing the novel laying it next to you. Levi had his hands clasped behind his back as he was bent over ever so slightly staring at the ground. ''I'm sorry..'' Levi murmured, a small smile shone on your lips ''it's fine Levi'' you reassured him as he shook his head. ''No, I've been a fucking prick to you and I even made you cry, I'm sorry'' he said looking up to you.

Quietly patting the bed next to you, motioning for him to join you-you offered a gentle smile as he walked over and sat next to you. Leaning your head on Levi's shoulder his intoxicating scent making your heart flutter as you cuddled him from behind. ''I was stressed with paperwork and other shit that's been happening, when Hanji told me how you were I had to come and see you'' Levi said looking down to you as you sent him a cheeky grin making him chuckle. Managing to drag you both into the bed Levi kicked off his boots and took off his straps as you already had yours off. Watching him crawl up and laying his head on the pillow next to you sent butterflies in your stomach as you cuddled up against his side, both your legs becoming entangled as you cuddled him like a big teddy bear. Nuzzling your head into his chest as Levi softly rubbed your head, propping his head up slightly from his free arm Levi gazed up to the ceiling as you both cuddled quietly enjoying each others presence.

''Love you Levi..''

''Love you too Y/N''

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