Injured!Levi x Guilty!Reader ~ Trust

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Request: Okay... I was wondering if you can write like this: Imagine that Levi is worried because his gf is not talking to him after a expedition in which he got injuried when he saved her from a Titan. The thing is that she felts guilty for being careless whe she was scouting the outside and that made that he ended with those injuries. All that he wants is to know what's in her mind and tell her to trust him

(Choose the POV that fits in a better way in this situation)

PS: I love your posts!

Reply/ Fic:

Warning: Angst, cursing


You had been the one to actually have fun outside the walls during the expedition, the feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins was great and what was even greater was that you could kill titans with your lover, Levi Ackerman. Known for being Humanities Strongest Soldier, even though he was named that, that wouldn't stop him from getting injuries here and there every once in a while.

But to think you caused him to have an injury sickened you.

// Flashback \

I flew around the titan grinning at its weak attempts to grab me, buzzing around the beast I chuckled to myself. Latching my hooks onto the neck of the Titan I sped towards its neck readying my blades until I heard a shout coming from the right, snapping my gaze to whoever it came from I didn't notice the large hand that was hurtling towards me in an attempt to swat me out of the air. Gazing back and coming face to face with the large hand I screeched before feeling my body being shoved out of the way, landing on the ground with a thud I watch Levi get violently swatted out from the sky, sending him flying into the side of a building and falling to the ground with a loud snap. My face drops as all the blood leaves it, growling from the anger I grab my blades and speed towards the nape of the titan and slice it, killing it instantly. Dropping to the ground I rush to Levi kneeling next to him.

''H-Hey! Levi I'm so sorry! D-Don't worry I got you! Hang o-on sweetie!'' you desperately tried to muster a brave facade whilst picking the male up, hearing Levi groan from pain and let out a string of quiet curses I rush out of the scene holding him in a bridal style.

// End Of Flashback \// 4 Weeks Ago \

Levi was said to have a broken arm, the bone in his shin was shattered in half, Levi's ankle was sprained and a few of his ribs were fractured as well. He was unconscious and you refused to leave his side, Hanji would take turns with Krista to bring you dinner since you never left the infirmary. You were asleep on the chair next to his bed as your hand loosely held onto his own.

Shifting slightly in the seat you were in you opened your eyes and flicked your orbs to Levi who was laying there quietly looking to the ceiling. ''Y-you're awake! Levi I'm so so so fucking sorry, I swear if I knew you'd get hurt I never would have done it! I swear! Please forgive me!'' you watched him roll his eyes, clicking his tongue. ''Calm down, I'm fine you need to stop worrying'' he looked to you with tired eyes gently rubbing his thumb on your hand. ''Hanji was here while you were asleep, she said you refused to leave this place so she and Krista had to bring you food, Y/N what were you thinking?'' he asked squinting his eyes at you. Sitting back slightly you quirk an eyebrow at him ''you think I'd leave you here when you're in the state you're in? No way in hell would I leave you here by yourself'' you stubbornly replied as he chuckled before wincing from slight pain in his chest.

The guilt swarmed your clouded mind as you had to watch your lover in pain that you caused, nobody else was at fault, it was you who caused this. You softly rose his hand to your mouth and gently pecked his knuckles ''do you need anything? Want any food?'' you asked as he watched you peck his bruised knuckles in affection. ''I'm fine, tired, but other than that I'll live'' he smirked as you nodded ''you need to get rest Levi, go get some sleep'' you say letting his arm return to his side. Sending you a playful glare he frowned ''are you giving your superior orders cadet?'' he questioned making you chuckle ''yes, I'm in charge now since you're like this and I'll help you get better, understand cadet?'' you couldn't help but smile at him as he nodded. ''Understood ma'am'' he teased.

// Current Time \

It's been four weeks since Levi had started to properly heal, get better and now he was back to his normal self, a grumpy little clean freak. Even though he may have healed that doesn't mean he winces from pain in his ribs or legs sometimes. Most of the time when you both were sitting down his face would scrunch up in pain slightly and it sent wave of guilt through you making you feel like you were suffocating from it.

You began to distance yourself from him, you didn't want to cause him pain and you certainly didn't want him ending up breaking bones for you. You averted your eyes to the ground if you passed in the hallway, only gave short answers when he asked about your day, kept quiet when he asked for you to help him with paperwork. You didn't know what to do but you wish you could reverse time and stop your stupidness from taking over that one day that gave you the fright of your life.

// Your P.O.V \

Sitting across from Levi I fill in papers as he does the same sitting behind his desk. Finishing the last page I read through it before biting my lip, leaving the page on his desk I stand up and begin to walk towards the door. ''Don't leave Y/N..'' Levi mumbled from behind me, looking over my shoulder to him Levi was still doing his paperwork. ''You've been distancing yourself from me lately, I've noticed... What's going on? If it's about me getting fucking injured you don't need to worry'' Levi says as my gaze drops to the ground. I hear Levi sigh and stand up, his footsteps echoing in the room as he gets closer.

I feel hands on my shoulders and Levi's boots in front of me, looking up to him I notice the soft look in his eyes. ''You need to stop blaming yourself, I can tell you're tormenting yourself at every second of the day because of what happened I just need you to trust me alright? I will get scratched up and bruised every now and then but I need you to trust me and know that I will never die and leave you alone'' Levi says as I burst into tears in front of him, leaning into his chest Levi wraps his arms around me. ''I'm sorry it's just that I've been feeling so bad about it, it should have been me getting hurt instead of you I deserve it not you'' I sob into his chest as he rests his chin at the top of my head. ''You don't deserve it, nobody knew what would have happened so there was no way of stopping it, you need to relax... Trust me Y/N'' he coo's as I sniff nodding at him.

''Alright Levi I trust you..''

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