Levi x Pregnant!Reader ~ Our Little Secret...

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Request : could you write an angsty scenario where levi's s/o is pregnant but she hides it from everyone and she struggles to hide her huge bump from everyone so she starts isolating herself until a day of an expedition she goes with them and she goes into labor outside of the walls

A/N : I don't really know how to write about going into labor but I got a fair idea of it plus I kinda lost control and totally forgot about the angst lmao

A/N Edit: It would be really appreciated if ppl would just zip it about 'It's going to be really noticeable when you're pregnant'  I know that obviously, this is a fanfiction. This is made for fun. So don't try point out things I already know and overthink things, thanks ^.^

Warning: None

B/N = baby name


You sat on the end of your bed, the light shining in through the silky curtains onto your form as you looked down lovingly to your little bump. You had been pregant with Levi's child for a few months now and it was nearing your due date, just a few more days and you would have brought another life into this world. Gently caressing your stomach careful not to hurt the little one inside you mumbled quietly "nobody knows of our little secret.. Not even your daddy but I promise to be the best mother I can be when you arrive.." you smiled gently. You didn't even dare mention a child to Levi you knew he was a very busy man and having a child would even make him more stressed but you couldn't just throw away a life of a child mindlessly, you couldn't just throw away the life of your child.

Slowly climbing up and looking at your form in the mirror it was beginning to be hard to hide the little one in your stomach from your friends and superiors not knowing what sort of trouble you could get into possibly, so you started to stay inside your room more often when the bump got bigger and bigger. Levi and Hanji visited from time to time to ask why you didn't go for training and to see if you were alright but you reassured them you were okay you had just caught a little sickness. This tore you up seeing the concerned faces you would get from your loved ones and Levi, he even tried to go to a doctor with you but you refused saying you went the day before.

Erwin had called for all scouts to get ready for an upcoming small expedition, you of course having to go when it took place the day before you were due to give birth. Wearing an oversized shirt hoping to hide the child worked out better than expected, getting changed and heading out to the stables you collect your horse to meet up with everyone at the gates of the wall.

// Time skip \

You rode on your horse, surrounded by your squad consisting of Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Petra, Gunther, Oluo and Eld as you made your way towards the forest of giant trees. Erwin had planned for the Scouting Legion to somewhat clear it out titans and set out camp high on the branches for the night, since titans didn't move in the darkness it would be safer for everyone.

As you arrived at the forrest your squad followed Levi in, until he stopped at a small temporary stables. Carefully getting off your horse and setting her next to Levi's you eventually caught up to everyone else. Watching them use their gear to fly high up into the trees you followed and landed gracefully onto the branch. "Oh hey Y/N! How are ya keeping up?" Hanji smiled giving you a wave, Levi turned to you and offered a gentle smile as you approached the group standing next to your boyfriend. "My, my Y/N am I going blind or have you gained some weight?" Oluo asked rubbing his eyes. Levi growled at him dangerously "what was that..?" he snarled to the man across from him. Oluo put his hands up in defense "captain I didn't mean it as an insult! Trust me!" he pleaded before biting his tongue and screeching pain. Petra slaps the back of his head "that's what you get for asking Y/N if she gained weight" Petra turned to you smiling "Y/N you look beautiful don't mind this idiot" she complimented. "You're not looking too bad yourself huh Petra?" you giggled making her laugh lightly. Erwin coughed quickly grabbing everyone's attention "okay since I finally have everyones attention lets begin to look over our plan".

// Time Skip To Night \

I was in the middle of setting up a little cozy bed for me and Levi while the lantern flickered beside me on the wide branch. Levi was behind me un-packing some stuff from a large bag as I hear Hanji and moblit talk about titans on the branch across from ours. Crickets and insects were filled with life while a light breeze appeared every now and then, the dark sky with stars spotted around it was also very mesmerising.

As I just about finished making a comfortable bed, intense pain shot up through my back making me stiffen and groan silently before the pain grew extremely, very quickly making me lay a hand on my stomach beginning to pant lightly. Levi's head crooked to look behind him seeing me bend over slightly, obviously in immense pain holding onto my stomach, his eyes widened as he went to my side. "Hey.. hey you okay what's wrong?" Levi rested a hand on my back as I groaned in pain again slowly sitting down against the tree itself "Levi get Hanji! Get Hanji!" I panicked watching him step backwards slightly before flying off to get the scientist, seconds later Levi dropped back onto the branch quickly arriving back to me with Hanji in tow. "Hey Y/N what's wrong?" Hanji asked before her eyes trailed down to my stomach and then realized a pool of wetness below me "oh my sweet walls!" she exclaimed, Levi caught on as well and his eyes went wide "you're giving fucking birth!? You were pregnant?!" he gasped while I painfully nodded before grabbing his hand. "It's yours.. Levi it hurts.. Make it stop" I let tears stream down my face while Hanji begins ordering Moblit to collect some towels from nearby soldiers. "Hey Y/N don't worry! It's going to be alright we're here sweetie" Hanji reassured taking towels from Moblit who returned a few minutes later. The pain felt like it was getting worse and worse as Levi and Hanji began to remove my pants quickly "fuck it hurts so bad!" I screeched crying, Levi was secretly panicking while he was setting up towels around me before letting me take his hand again "why did you keep this to yourself..?" Levi asked gently "you- you we-were so b-busy I th-thought you never w-wanted a child.." I try my hardest to remain brave but the pain was unbearable at this stage.

A hour or two passed and word had gotten around about me going into labor, eventually I was surrounded by my friends who were encouraging me. Erwin arrived asked what was happening, Levi quickly explaining before Erwin went off to try give us some privacy.

"Alright Y/N all I need for you to do now is to push alright? I know you can do it!" Hanji encouraged, I tried my best to co-operative while trying to stop myself from crying and just concentrating on the present. "Come on Y/N you're doing it, you're doing great" Levi smiled gently at me while I turned to him with a tear stained face.

// An hour later \

"Come on Y/N you're almost there- You did it!" Hanji cheered as she wrapped the crying child up, carefully taking off the umbilical cord from the child before cleaning it carefully making sure not to hurt the small human. My chest heaved as my friends cheered congratulating me before taking their leave to give us privacy.

Wrapping the infant up in a warm blanket and handing it to me "it's a boy congrats you two he's adorable" Hanji smiled lightly "thank you so much Hanji, really, thank you for helping us" I praise her before she leaves to get cleaned up. I hold the baby boy in my arms rocking him gently cooing at him, Levi watched the scene before crying from joy, a rare sight you would ever see. Levi smiles, tears streaked down his face "I'm sorry I didn't realize earlier, and that it seemed like I didn't want a child.." He whispered to me sitting beside me smiling down at the smaller person I held in my arms. "You want to hold your son?" I asked gently "w-what if I h-hurt him Y/N I don't want to hurt him" Levi stutters nervously "you're okay, he's alright I know you couldn't hurt him anyway" I tiredly grin to Levi before handing the newborn to him.

Levi gently cradles the infant, tears dripping from his face as he smiles down at the child huddled up in his arms, softly speaking down to the baby that was gently pulling on his cloak looking up to his father.

"What will we call him?" Levi looks up smiling at me before looking down at our child again. "I have no idea" I giggle lightly "Oh I got one!" I chirp, Levi hums letting me know I have his attention letting me continue "How about B/N?" I ask looking down at the baby who was now asleep. "That's perfect Y/N.. B/N.. I like it" Levi smiles before handing B/N back to me, Levi lets me lay into his chest while he wrapped his arms around me and B/N as he rests his head at the crook of my neck.

A new little family falling asleep.


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