Stressed!Levi x Reader ~ Cake

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Request: Could you please write something fluffy and heart melting with Levi like their s/o bakes a cake for them as a reward for his stressfull time of work?(with a cup of tea of course 😁) ı love your blog and I'm really happy that i found your blog. Your work is awesome keep going 👍 and sorry for my English, if I made any grammatical mistakes...

It's fine u don't need to worry about any grammar mistakes when ur requesting I'm chill with any mistakes as long as I can understand the request lol I'm delighted to hear ur happy u found my blog! <3

Sorry that this is short I didn't really know what to write for the storyline

Warning: none


Levi had been stuck in his office doing paperwork for the past three days, of course, you, his brilliant lover decided to make him a little treat for his hard work. You're wondering what that treat is?

It's a small cake made professionally by you!

Skipping through the hallways with a proud smile on your face you held the small cake with one hand in a little cardboard box, careful not to tip it over onto its side. Arriving outside Levi's office you cruised inside with a playful smirk on your lips replacing the smile from earlier.

Levi looked up from the paper on his desk, seeing you his tired gaze softened as he rose an eyebrow ''what are you holding?'' he asked sitting up. Winking at him you walked to his desk and put the box down in front of him ushering for Levi to open it. He looked to me then back to the box in slight confusion and opened it anyway.

Inside the box sat a small round cream cake with light green icing on the corners, in the middle sat a little message written in the green icing 'A prize for your hard work xx'. A miniature smile toyed at Levi's thin lips as he gazed up to you ''thank you love, I'll make sure to try it when dinner rolls around'' Levi says gently closing the lid of the cake box before standing up, picking up the cake he placed it on the shelf near his desk before kissing your cheek.

// Time Skip \

Dinner was over and Levi must have been hungry, once we got back to his office he devoured the cake which made me laugh.

Sitting on his lap in his chair I lay in against his chest dozing off as he read silently. Nuzzling into his neck, I had my eyes closed feeling Levi shift underneath me. ''Come on, go to bed.. you're falling asleep on me here'' Levi says as I look up to him. ''Wouldn't be the first time I did'' I wink up to the raven hair as he clicks his tongue ''you're definitely not wrong there, now, bed.'' Levi said again, groaning I stand up off him. ''You're coming with me'' I tell him as he shakes his head ''I got paperwork, you go to sleep and I'll be in there in a while'' he watches me mope into his bedroom with a small chuckle.

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