Father!Levi x Mother!Reader ~ Daddy

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Request: Oh! Can you write something about Levi witnessing his child's first word... and it's "daddy"!

Yes this is adorable!

Child Name - C/N

Warning: None


You sat in a chair reading across from Levi, he was in his office chair with your one and a half-year-old sitting on the edge of his desk in front of him. Erwin has given everyone a day off to have a rest and do whatever they like.

Babbling and looking around C/N looked like they were having the time of their life sitting on Levi's desk as he gently held them upright under the arms talking quietly to them. ''What is it squirt?'' he questioned C/N who only let out a giggle in response, reaching out to Levi's cravat C/N continued to babble and giggle to themselves. Scooting forward in his chair Levi let C/N tug on his cravat watching them with a gentle expression.

Humming quietly you closed the book, putting it to the side you leaned against the desk watching C/N fumble with Levi's cravat. ''C/N's really fond of your cravat'' you chuckle as Levi nods, C/N looks up to Levi smiling cutely whilst raising a small hand up to his face. Leaning down Levi pecked their hand making you smile at the sight.


You went wide-eyed, did your child just speak!? Levi stared in awe at the little human, a gentle smile toying at his lips as he took C/N into his arms. ''Yep that's me, good job squirt'' Levi praised peppering C/N with kisses, cuddling up to his chest C/N wrapped their little arms around his neck snuggling into him.

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