Levi x Cadet!Reader ~ Little Princess

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Request: Is a little bit of smut off the table? If not could you do Levi x reader,where Levi tells the reader he's ready to sleep with her? 👀👀

Lmao I'm in a good mood so I'll do both for u

Warnings: Smut, Mentions of Sex, Cursing

Reader is 18+


× Smut ×

You were helping Levi with his paperwork, quietly filling out a sheet across from the raven haired man you failed to sometimes notice his eyes trailing over your figure. You had one arm perked up whilst you rested your chin on the palm of your hand scribbling down words onto the sheet of paper below you.

Levi wore his usual uniform, legs crossed underneath his wooden desk taking sips of his tea from time to time. His beautiful raven locks fell perfectly on his face as he looked down reading over the work, cold grey eyes dancing across the page as his thin eyebrows furrowed at something he didn't like. Blinking you looked up to your superior watching him read over the papers quietly, your E/C orbs wandering off to behind him where a large window was situated, sun shone in freely onto Levi's back outlining his figure whenever he moved.

Sighing softly you sat up stretching looking over to the large clock that sat in the corner of the room staring back at you, 2 hours left until dinner. Staring at the hands of the clock you were lost in thought, Levi coughed causing you to spin around facing him as he looked at you questionly "bored of work?" Levi asked resting the thin pages into a neat pile on the side of his desk, shaking your head you looked down to the page belonging to you as it sat in front of you.

Delicately taking the quill from before you dipped it in ink before signing the page off and handing it to the Captain in front of you. Levi took the page from you holding it up as he read through it, quiet murmers of words and sentences as he made his way through the work. "Good work Y/N this is the only report that's not shitty that I've seen from the cadets" Levi commented placing the page on the stack whilst resting his hand on his chin looking at you with nocturnal hunter eyes.

"What will we do now sir?" you asked resting your hands on your thighs, Levi shrugged watching you 'what is he thinking?' You thought glancing around the room. "Have you ever been with anyone Y/N?" Levi's question surprised you "ehh.. No sir I haven't" you shyly mutter to him, Levi hums in acknowledgement. "I'm surprised you haven't been in one" Levi says taking his hand away from his chin. "Do you ever think about being in one?" He continued, you swallowed out of nervousness "Well... I don't like the thought of being alone for the rest of my life when my friends go get boyfriends and girlfriends" you answer him looking to the floor refusing to meet his gaze.

Hearing wood against wood you looked up seeing Levi stand up from his chair he walked around his desk to you, boots clicking off the floorboards as he walked. "You intrigue me Y/N if you don't mind would you like if I brought you out sometime?" Levi asked crossing his arms, a red hue appeared on your cheeks as you shyly nodded. Levi chuckled at your behaviour.


He chuckled.

This caused you to go even a darker shade of red, biting your lip. "What's wrong?" Levi's tone sounded gentle yet he looked like a hungry wolf. "N-Nothing sir!" you squeaked, Levi rolled his eyes before pulling your chair back and crouching down in front of you. Smiling lightly towards him you fiddled with the straps on your tighs. "God you're so fidgety Y/N calm down why are you nervous all of a sudden?" Levi raised his eyebrow watching you shrug "I don't know" you simply state.

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