Levi x Childhood Friend!Reader ~ Ackerman

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Request: I loved the Levi x Reader with Kenny story you wrote earlier today! Anyway you would do more? Maybe like being there when Levi finds Kenny or returning after the hunt for the scouts is off? 😍

Warning: Mentions of Blood


You walked alongside Levi, through the rubble left from Rod Reiss, large bright blue crystal pillars were scattered around as the surface of the ground lay on top of them like a blanket. A warm light came down from the setting sun onto you both. ''This place would've been cool to have some underground palace or a small kingdom.. don't you think?'' you smiled at the idea as Levi rose an eyebrow to you ''what do you mean? As in a prettier version of the underground we were in?'' he sarcastically replied earning an eye roll. ''Tsk no I was just saying.. Like, a nice underground kingdom with fancy crystal everywhere would be cool'' you say as Levi glances around.

Panting was coming from behind you both, looking over your shoulder you saw a Scout running towards you both hurriedly. ''Captain Levi!'' the man called out stopping behind him as he panted silently turning around Levi scowled at the Scout ''what? you look like you're going to shit yourself'' he comments as the stranger regains his breath. ''We found Kenny Ackerman! He's still alive!'' he said as you rose an eyebrow in curiosity, Levi's eyes widened a tiny bit as he looked to the man.

// Flashback - Childhood \\

I walked alongside Kenny, a little ragged and torn dress only making it to my knees as I wore some filthy little flat doll shoes that had been torn a little. Kenny had found me starving in an alleyway three weeks ago and now he's like somewhat of a parent.

Strolling through the small corridors of the brothel I kept my gaze ahead of me as we traveled to a woman's room, Kenny told me he wanted to visit someone he knew so I tagged along for the trip. In one hand he held a case and used to the other to open a creaky wooden door, looking in there was a pale woman laying on the bed silently. ''Woah you look rough'' Kenny commented walking in, cautiously walking in behind him I bite my lip quietly looking at the woman before averting my gaze to the little kitchen area next to a small window, quietly strolling over to the small kitchen area I hear Kenny talk to the woman again. ''Have you lost some weight? You're like a skeleton..'' he says, I continue to look around curiously until my bright E/C orbs land on another small figure.

''Hey Kuchel-'' Kenny was cut off by the young boy who was huddled up against the wall, I looked at him quirking an eyebrow ''she's dead..'' the boy muttered. ''Huh?'' Kenny said looking to the side as I was standing near the boy looking down at him ''and you? are you alive?'' Kenny asks as the boy looks up tiredly, nervously sitting down at the same wall where the boy was at I dug in my pocket and lifted out a small piece of bread offering it to the boy. ''Y/N what did I tell you about giving food away?'' Kenny scolds as the boy shakily takes the bread, sending Kenny a small glare I click my tongue ''I want to help him..'' I say as the boy nibbles on the bread.

''Aweh give me a break Y/N'' Kenny sighs before reverting his gaze back to the boy ''you're not deaf are ya? Can you hear me or can't ya?'' Kenny continues as the boy finishes the bread. ''You got a name?'' he tries again, the little raven-haired boy looked exhausted ''Levi, it's just Levi..'' he croaked as I scoot closer to him sending him a smile. Kenny drops the case and slides down against the wall opposite us ''I got it, Kuchel, it's probably a good call... The family name did you no favors..'' he said looking downwards as Levi watches him, Kenny sits down with his legs spread, his hands dug in his pockets as his head hung low. ''Well I'm Kenny, that's my only name... Me and your mother knew each other... It's nice to meet ya'' Kenny introduces himself, he was about to introduce me but I sat up offering a childish smile to Levi as he was still huddled up. ''And I'm Y/N! It's nice to meet you Levi!'' I chirp as the boy looks at me silently.

It's been a few weeks after Kenny and I met Levi, he had begun to train him about using blades and how to fight while I sat back and watched. Levi was now in his early teens while I was two years younger than him, he was currently beating up a man that had challenged him and now a crowd of people had swarmed around to watch. I stood at the front of the crowd smiling proudly at Levi, he had won the fight and the crowd erupted in cheers. Levi let the man fall to the ground as he stood above him, feeling someone shift from behind me I turn around and notice Kenny walking away. ''Kenny?'' I call out to him as the crowd starts to disperse, Kenny only ignores my calls as tears of confusion and panic start to build. Spinning my head back to Levi he stood there until his gunmetal orbs flicked to my own E/C ones in silence.

''Come on Y/N, we have to go.'' Levi says stepping off the unconscious man and stuffing his blade away. Blinking away the tears I sniff and follow Levi the opposite way from Kenny.

// Flashback End \\

We arrived in front of Kenny, Levi stood in front of him whilst I was at his side looking down to him blankly. ''Between the burns and the blood you've lost, there's nothing that can save you now'' Levi commented as I look over Kenny's ruined face. ''Oh yeah? I wonder..'' Kenny muttered with a smirk opening a small case revealing a syringe with some serum in it, Levi's eyes went wide as I bit the inside of my cheek. ''Swiped this sucker out of Rod's bag back in the cave... Seems as if I just stick myself I'll turn into a big strong titan... One of the dumb ones'' he croaks quietly, I take a glimpse to Levi seeing him look down to Kenny quietly. ''For a while.. It ought to keep me alive'' Kenny adds as I rest a hand on my hip I watch the man cough roughly.

''You had the time and strength to inject yourself before we got here if you wanted, why didn't you?'' Levi questions ''fair point.. I guess I'm just scared, if I don't inject it right then I might turn out the same as Rod.. All messed up like'' Kenny replies, I kneel down in front of him. ''You? Scared? Come on Kenny when have you ever been scared?'' I say as Kenny chuckles dryly ''Sometimes... I have been... hows the shoulder keeping up'' Kenny grumbles as I shrug ''never better..''.

''I know you're not just sitting here waiting to bleed to death.. Surely you have a better excuse than that'' Levi interrupts as Kenny looks to the grass. ''Well runt the thing is I don't feel like dying without my dream coming true.. But I see now after all this time I see now why he did it..'' he states as I raise an eyebrow. ''Huh?'' Levi mutters making Kenny laugh lowly. ''We humans are all the same, every last one of us'' Kenny starts ''for some it's drinking, some it's women, for some it's even religion, family, the king, dreams, children.... power'' he grunts as I avert my gaze from him looking over to the sunset. ''All of us had to spend out lives drunk on something..or else we'd have no cause to keep pushing on... Everyone was a slave to something, even him'' his voice gets more low making me drift my gaze to Levi then back to Kenny, Kenny then coughs out some blood making me flinch slightly at the sudden action.

Levi dropped down in front of Kenny, placing his hands on Kenny's shoulders. ''Kenny! Tell me everything you know about the king! The first king, why didn't he want mankind to survive?'' He growls as Kenny lazily looks to him ''don't know beats me.. That's one of the reasons why we Ackermans decided to turn coat..'' he said before coughing blood again, some splatters onto Levi's cheeks as he stares at him in wonder. ''So apparently.. That's my name as well, tell me.. Who are you? What were you to my mom?'' Levi squints his eyebrows to Kenny seeing him start to grin. ''You- Dumbass.. I was only her- Brother'' Kenny coughs as Levi's face turns to shock ''that day... why... Why did you leave us?'' Levi puzzles, his face turning back to his infamous expressionless one as his hand drops from Kenny's shoulder. ''Because... I just wasn't cut out.. to be a dad..'' the tiredness drips from his voice as Kenny shoves the case with the syringe into Levi's chest.

I glance to Levi before back to Kenny ''Kenny?'' I ask tilting my head to the side causing Levi to dart his gunmetal orbs to the man ''Kenny...'' Levi mumbles. Standing up I look over Kenny's dead body before helping Levi up.

''Come on Levi let's go..''


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