Young!Levi x Young!Reader ~ The Underground

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This is set in the underground when Levi is in his early teens ^.^

Warning: Violence, Cursing

Summary: You grow up In the Underground with Levi after you were abandoned by your parents


You strolled through the streets of the underground, E/C orbs flicking in every direction due to nervousness. Keeping your hands clasped in front of you-you let your head drop down slightly, trying to remain calm you forced a brave expression onto your young and soft face. You belonged up in Wall Rose and your family was quite rich above ground, so of course, you were treated like a little princess. Wearing a simple white little dress that draped to your knees accompanied by little doll shoes. You also brought a small bag containing some snacks and two drinks in case you got picky.

You were on a trip with your parents for business that they refused to tell you about yet they still brought you anyway, but that was three hours ago. Your mother told you to wait outside a restaurant until they came back but they didn't. 'Did they forget about me? Idiots... Probably did..' you thought annoyed at the fact that they left you in this filthy place. The only thing that did slightly improve your mood was that the fact that your outfit looked clean and new compared to the people you walked past, their clothes ragged and ripped.

Spotting an empty alleyway you sighed in relief as you cautiously entered, leaning your back after a few seconds of silence you sighed. Keeping your eyes trained on the ground you lightly grasped the strap of your bag. Biting your lower lip you were beginning to panic about what you were going to do, the Military Police soldiers wouldn't believe you anyway even if you tried.

Too caught up in your own thoughts you were pulled out of them almost instantly when you heard footsteps at the entrance of the little alleyway making you look up to whoever it was in fright. Your gaze landing on a slightly taller young boy with raven hair, cold grey eyes. The boy wore a black jacket with the sleeves pulled up, a grey v-necked shirt, some light green pants, and black shoes. Gulping you stepped back a little not wanting to cause trouble or even be involved in a fight, you watched him raise an eyebrow at you curiously. ''You lost?'' his voice sliced through the air, the question making you flinch then lean back against the wall again.

''My parents abandoned me down here 3 hours ago... I'm not supposed to be here..'' you mumble to the boy who clicked his tongue ''what wall do you come from?'' he asked again, glancing back up to him you noticed he was now leaning against the wall opposite you. Hands dug into his pockets as he looked to you for an answer ''Wall Rose..'' you answered, you found this boy quite cute and this made you incredibly flustered and embarrassed. ''W-What's your name?'' you tried hoping to make a new friendship ''Levi, it's only Levi'' he said tilting his head to the side. ''What's yours hm?'' Levi puzzled you looking over your figure, eyes eventually landing on the bag which you held onto. ''My name is Y/N L/N... I-I got food here.. I heard there isn't that much food down here so I brought some in case I got hungry but you can h-have some if you want?'' you suggested gesturing to the bag.

Levi blinked before waking over beside you and stood next to you peering into the bag. ''I got sweets and some bread... Even drinks... Heh like a little picnic'' you chirp, sitting down you fumbled with the bag as Levi joined you crossing his legs patiently. ''You sure I can have some?'' he asked as you nodded pulling out two packets of sweets you presented them to the boy ''which one do you want? I got two of everything so we can split!'' you smile to Levi who taps onto a packet of gummy bears. You handed him the bag as he muttered a quiet thanks. Setting your own packet of sweets next to you-you took out two little pieces of bread which were the same so you just handed him one of them. ''It's been a while since I've gotten sweets..'' Levi says looking down to the packet of gummy bears. ''I wish I could give you more but I got none left'' you say taking out two little bottles of water, passing one to him as he smiles a little.

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