Levi x Thug!Reader ~ Criminal

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Request: So glad you're taking requests again!! Love and live for your writing. Now what if the reader had the same past as Levi, living in the underground and becoming a well known thug and later on was forced to join the survey corps a year later after Levi. They both didn't like each other at first but later on realize that they're the only people who truly understand each other and slowly start falling in love even without knowing it

Warning: Mentions of drugs and sex, Cursing involved

^,^ This was really fun to write


Life didn't favor you since the moment you were born, of course, you were born into the revolting pits of the Underground city where everyday was a viscous fight for survival, drugs, sex and money. Though, you were able to scrape by and steal when you needed to, killed when you wanted to and starve when you were forced to.

You even managed to get your hands on a set of 3DM Gear which helped you out a lot when it came to the job, and since you were well known for having incredible combat skills and a set of gear on you-you could have been called a crime lord. Of course you didn't care for anyone who tried to sweep your feet from underneath you since they would just end up dead the next morning, the only person you did come head to head was that Levi Ackerman and his little gang. But they didn't last long, word shot around like wildfire that they've been captured by the Scouts and everytime you heard it you would just snicker at the thought.

Flying through the stuffy air of the filth city you gazed around you at different buildings trying to find something to do, nowadays you didn't really have anything to do since most people would listen to your every word and do as you say like a dog so it got boring easily and you weren't having any of it. You had been seperated from your two close friends six months ago when you found them both dead in your old apartment building in which you stayed so you've been a lone wolf since then.

Hearing wires zip from behind you-you glance over your shoulder to see a bunch of figures wearing green cloaks. 'Do those damn MP's ever give it a rest?' you rolled your eyes at the thought before letting your wires loose and your gas stop, hurdling towards the ground to pick up speed you shot your wires upwards and hit the gas slightly to give you a little boost sending you rocketing back up into the air with high speed, swiftly turning a corner you took off again. Glancing backwards to see some of the figures still there whilst others disappeared to wherever. Turning around you came face to face with a hooded stranger as they attempted to forcefully kick you backwards, dodging the attack the person flew straight into the one behind you resulting in a high pitched screech followed by a "Damn it Hanji!".

Snickering at their behaviour you darted off into another direction, hearing the little zip of a set of wires above you-you didn't have time to react when someone came bulleting down at you sending you both off course. Their hood was ripped off by the wind and they revealed themselves as a handsome raven haired male with hypnotising bluish-grey eyes. 'Wait- Don't tell me this is the Ackerman guy that got taken in a year ago?' you thought as he send you both towards the ground. Grabbing onto his wrist you ruthlessly twisted it as he grunted from the pain, swiflty turning you both over you were now on top as you forced all your weight onto him when he came in contact with the ground, completely knocking the air out of his lungs you jumped up and flew off.

Seeing nobody folowing you, you landed in a window of an abandonned house. Walking back you leant against the wall as you caught your breath mumbling curses at the Scouts for thinking they could get you.

Suddenly feeling pain wash through the side of your face your eyes widened as you spun your head around to see who it was.

That angry raven haired midget.

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