Levi x Erwins sister!Reader ~ Ms. Smith

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Warnings: Cursing! Slight Angst

Summary: You are Erwin's little sister, just a few years younger. Jean ends up insulting you during dinner, how would Levi react to this?

// 3rd Person \

You sat across from your elder brother Erwin sipping your tea, quietly watching him scribble words across pages upon pages of paperwork. Silence clouded the office apart from the sounds of pen on pages and little sips from the cup. You leaned back in the leather chair glancing around the room before breaking the silence ''Erwin?'' You asked ''Yes Y/N'' your brother replied, not lifting his head up to look to you ''Do you like anyone? I mean like like anyone?'' You tried to pry something out of him, he shook his head in response before sitting up in his chair looking to you.

// Your P.O.V \

''I'm not attracted to anyone Y/N, it would be a bad decision to fall in love with somebody in the military when there's a chance of your lover dying.. So there's no point in having a romantic attraction towards anyone'' Erwin stated calmly before a sly smirk dashed across his face ''But I know someone that likes somebody else~'' He teased lightly. ''Don't you dare brother...'' I threatened playfully causing him to laugh lightly ''What's wrong little sister? Scared I'll say something about your undying love for the Corporal?'' Erwin continued crossing his arms smiling towards me. I scowl at him in response ''well for yourinformation-'' I was cut off by the door opening from behind me. I turn around in my seat taking a sip from my cup as I recognize who it is that interrupted me I see the Corporal walking in without a care in the world before closing the door. Silence filled the room once again as the 3 of us just looked at each other before I perk up ''Hey Corporal! How are you tonight?'' I smile towards him earning a grunt in response ''Am I interrupting some family feud Erwin?'' Levi strolled towards Erwin and leaned against his desk facing him while crossing his arms. I sat in the chair looking over Levi's features as he faced away from me talking to my brother.

'Levi's hair looks so soft, his skin must be soft as well.. it's so clear... god he's a good-looking guy plus he smells really good..' I thought to myself, before tearing my eyes away from him in case he caught me staring, just to my bad luck my brother was watching me the entire time. Levi looked over to the clock in the corner of the room before sighing '' I'll tell the other shit-heads it's time for dinner, Y/N we have training tomorrow morning don't forget brat'' Levi informed me before leaving the room. I sat there quietly looking down into the now empty cup thinking to myself, I hear wood scraping across the floor from in front of me, my head shoots up watching Erwin getting up and stretching before standing next to me and placing a hand on my shoulder ''what's wrong?'' Erwin asked carefully watching me, I shook my head ''it's nothing, just thinking that's all!'' I grinned up to him before getting up and following him down to the mess hall.

As we entered, Erwin got his tray of food and made his way to the superior table, I got my grub and found the table belonging to my friends. I sit eating while conversing with them, laughing from time to time at their terrible jokes. After I was done we all just sat at the table just talking in general about anything ''Y/N want to hang out with us by the stables tonight?'' Eren suggested ''can't, sticking with my big bro tonight to help him with paperwork'' I replied looking over my shoulder to Erwin who was in a deep conversation with Levi, Erwin had a smirk playing on his lips while Levi was nodding along to whatever Erwin was telling him. Eren and the others noticed me looking back towards the corporal and smiled to themselves, I noticed Levi was starting to look my way more often but I just pretended I was looking around out of boredom.

''Y/N just ask him out already you're drooling over the guy'' Jean commented ''Then again don't because he probably likes Petra, she's great and good looking'' I turn to glare at him before rolling my eyes and sighing ''I think you might be right there Horse-Face.. She's better than me in every way, plus I'm a little sister to the Commander, dating me would be.. weird...'' I face the group in front of me before resting my head on the table, earning a few concerned looks from my comrades ''hey Y/N are you okay..?'' Armin stuttered, I nodded fiddling with my fingers before standing up ''I'm gonna go to my room'' I mumbled before leaving the mess hall.

// 3rd Person \

Sasha stood up abruptly, hands slamming down on the table glaring at Jean across from her ''What the hell Jean!? You don't just say that stuff to Y/N you jerk!'' She yelled at him causing everyone else to jump, even people from other tables were watching ''You know Y/N really likes him and you just shot her down! Poor girl's probably really upset!'' Sasha continued. ''Hey what's going on?'' Hanji came over standing behind Sasha ''Jean thought he was being funny by insulting Y/N in front of everyone'' Mikasa said sternly glaring at Jean who just looked down to the table.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I was talking to Erwin about the next upcoming expedition, soon shouts were heard from across the mess hall. I look over, seeing that Sasha brat giving hell to the horse-faced kid causing me to frown. Hanji stood up making her way to the group I couldn't hear what they were saying, the only thing I got from it was the horse-faced brat insulted Erwin's sister. ''No wonder Y/N left early looking pissed'' I stated calmly looking to Erwin who just sat there glaring at the boy at the table. I roll my eyes before getting up bringing my plate to the sink and leaving it in it before I walk back to Erwin ''oi, I'm going to see what the other brat went'' I told him before walking out heading to Y/N's room. As I walked down the silent hallways the only sound being made was my boots clicking against the stone floor.

// Your P.O.V \

I sat at the window sill looking outside towards the sky as I tried to wipe some remaining tears away, the door opened without warning making me spin around seeing the Corporal make his way towards me, I notice his expression going softer after seeing my tear stained cheeks I turn away from him, my back facing him as I look out the window. I soon feel warm arms wrap around my torso gently, Levi carefully rests his chin on my shoulder in attempts to comfort me leaving me in a shocked phase. ''Sir what a-are you doing?'' I ask shyly ''Making sure you feel better brat... Your brother and Hanji will deal with Kirschtien later then I'll make sure he trains until his body gives up on him'' Levi chuckles ''all because he insulted me..?'' I asked Levi nodded. ''Your brother told me about your undying love for me, all I can say is that I can return this undying love'' Levi emphasized on the undying part which made me giggle leaning into him. He took this chance and kissed me gently which took me by surprise, I returned it while wrapping my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

Levi lifted me up off the windowsill and laid me down on the bed and pulled away after giving me one last peck on the cheek, taking off his boots and climbing in next to me, cradling me in his arms, my head rested at his chest hearing his heart thump while he gently wiped away the tears, with his free hand he drew circles on my side as he lulled me to a peaceful slumber.

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