Levi x Baker!Reader ~ Dreams

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Request: Imagine (y/n) overhearing about Levi's dream of opening a tea shop one day and tells him that she's good at baking so maybe they can work partner up together on his dream.

Can I just say I think it's utterly adorable thinking about him wanting to open up a tea shop one day xD


When you first heard about Levi's dream about opening a tea shop an idea popped into your head making you grin before darting off to find the Corporal himself. Goin into Levi's office without knocking like you always would but instead, you went sprinting in like a crazy woman making his head snap up immediately seeing you run in like that.

''Oi you okay?'' Levi asked watching you, you nodded your head excitedly before appearing at his desk a few seconds later ''I heard you wanted to open up a tea shop!'' you chirped smiling, Levi sat back in his chair nodding his head in confusion ''and..?'' he asked watching you get more excited ''I'm a really good baker! Levi we can partner up to help achieve your dream!'' You grinned not caring at all if you seemed like you had lost it. Levi chuckled lightly ''fine, one day Y/N you can help me open a tea shop since you seem so excited about working with me for it'' this made you reach across the desk and hug the man before appearing back at the door to his office ''I'll make sure you get your shop open Levi don't you worry about a thing!'' you called out happily to him before exiting.

Levi sat there in silence with a miniature smile playing at his lips looking over to the door where you had just left thinking about achieving his dream with you.

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