Mourning!Levi x Reader ~ Don't Cry

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Request: Hello there, r ur requests open? If so, can I request a oneshot with SadLevi! x Reader where they've just come back from the 57th expedition (when Levi's squad all got killed) and the reader finds Levi crying? Thnx, xo xo

Warning: Angst with some crying Levi


The 57th Expedition was a complete massacre, half the people that left the gates didn't return and a gloomy mood was now settled upon the Scouts, many were injured, some missing limbs and some didn't come back at all.

On the way back you were ordered to drop off the bodies of the deceased to titans which were chasing you back to the wall.

You had to throw the bodies of your teammates off to the titans so you all could survive.

Petra Ral

Eld Gin

Oluo Bozado

Gunther Schultz

They died to the Female Titan during the 57th Expedition, another family that has been torn from you leaving only you, Levi and Eren left from the Special Operations Squad.

Walking into HQ Commander Erwin announced that everyone will have two days off to get some rest. Passing people on the corridors that cried, sobbed and that just stayed silent, too shaken from what they've seen. The infirmary was packed with large amounts of Scouts who were groaning and crying from pain and agony.

Levi had gotten injured rescuing Eren and now you were going to check up on your boyfriend. You knew Levi was clearly upset and tormented by the fact that he lost most of his squad in a matter of minutes, they faded from life too quickly for anyone's liking.

Walking through an empty corridor you kept your eyes trained on the stone floor below you while you walked through the base, eventually arriving outside Levi's office you softly opened the door not wanting to annoy him in case he was doing paperwork or trying to rest. As you stepped inside your eyes instantly landed on a sight which made your heart shatter.

Levi sitting behind his desk, his raven hair falling down in front of his face whilst looking down to his desk as he supported his head up with his hands. The male's entire body shook with ragged sobs and cries. Shutting the door behind you Levi shot his head up to see who entered without permission. Upon seeing you he didn't even attempt to stop the tears that flooded down his cheeks.

"Oh Levi..." you whispered appearing by his side almost instantly. Levi turned to you and clung to your shirt, resting his head on your stomach as he cried hopelessly "sweetheart... No.. It's alright... Don't cry.." you muttered leaning down to his level and letting him cage you in a desperate hug. "T-They're dead! I couldn't save them! I-I wasn't t-there to help t-them when they needed me!" his tears soaked through your shirt but you really didn't care about your wet shirt right now Levi is your top priority.

"Love please..." you said in a hushed tone, gently cupping his face as Levi looked at you with bloodshot eyes. "Honey you know they wouldn't want you to to be like this... You know that.. You know they would hate to see you tormenting yourself like this.." your voice was soft and delicate like you were speaking to a sleeping baby as Levi looked over your features. "I-I couldn't s-save them.." you can tell he was about to cry again, swiftly taking him into another hug you let Levi dig his face into the crook of your neck as you gently rubbed different patterns onto his back.

Whispering sweet nothings into his ear you gently pet the back of his head as his sobs calmed down, now sniffling he clung to you like a little panda. "I bet you're tired... Do you want to go and lay in bed?" you suggest earning a exhausted nod from the raven haired man, standing up you help him up as you both walk into his bedroom. Assisting him with taking off his straps and gear you then swiftly took off your own and joined him in the comfy bed you shared.

You lay down feeling Levi sling an arm over your stomach as he cuddled into your side. Draping a leg over your own he rested his head on your chest as he listened to the calming sensation of your heartbeat that slowly lulled him to sleep. Quietly grazing your fingertips over the top of his head and soft raven hair you soon heard light snores coming from the male as he held onto you.

Carefully wiping away the tears from his soft pale cheeks you snuggled closer to your lover, closing your eyes and resting your head on top of his.

"You may be Humanities Strongest.. But that doesn't mean I won't protect you when you need it.."

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