Levi x Traitor!Reader Pt.2 ~ The One That Got Away

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Warning: Cursing, Slight Angst

Summary: You bump into Levi again a few months after you escaped out of Wall Rose from him and the others

A/N: I decided to continue the first part if this because I just have a soft spot for Levi x Traitor! Reader's

D/N - Daughter Name

S/N - Son Name


Damn Reiner.

Fuck him.

What was he thinking? Is he trying to get you captured or even killed?

No... You were his comrade he wouldn't dare do it..

Especially knowing the fact that you will come back and murder him somehow which gave him nightmares of how frightening you could be..

Reiner asked you to go grab some food and supplies in town but to also keep a low profile incase the Survey Corps were around while you were there. You were quite excited to say the least, you missed the insides of the walls filled with markets and people chatting away. All you have been living with was the top of a large wall surrounded by fields upon fields upon fields, well, apart from the few trees spread around here and there.

And here you were now quietly minding your own business as you started to get more and more nervous the longer you stayed in the markets, afraid a Scout or soldier would jump at you at any second. Walking through the streets you had your hood up as a dark shadow cast over your face making it difficult for someone to recognise you even if they tried.

Glancing down to the bags of food and supplies you carried you heard some familiar voices up ahead making you snap your vision upwards looking ahead.

Some people you wish you didn't want to bump into...

Except for one.

Levi Ackerman.

He was wearing normal civilian clothes as he seperated from Hanji and the others, rolling his eyes at something Hanji said before she walked off with the group leaving Levi on his own.

This was the first chance in months that you got to talk to Levi, even though he would probably beat you in an alleyway if he saw you but it was worth the risk, plus the group didn't have their gear and you didn't mind turning to a titan if it meant escaping with your life.

For a second time. (cough)

Gaze flicking to the dark alley next to him he was fixing up his outfit failing to notice your approaching form, as you nearly past him you caught Levi off guard. Swiftly grabbing his wrist and yanking him into the alley. "Tch what the fuck!?" he growled whilst you pulled your hood down sending him a sweet smile. Levi's eyes widened a fraction "Y/N w-what are you doing here?" Levi asked taking a step back in precaution. Sighing you shook your head "I'm just getting some food and stuff... I'm surprised you haven't tried to tackle or beat me yet" you chuckle sourly to yourself as Levi's eyebrows furrowed watching you.

Relaxing his posture he stuffed his hands in his pockets and leant against the wall, his voice turning to a soft delicate one "how have you been..?" he asks watching you shrug lightly "I've been alright.. What about you? How's everyone holding up?" you question looking to the ground. "I've been fine, everyone is alright.. Tell me.. How are you so relaxed waltzing around these streets knowing soldiers could jump at you at any second?" Levi asked with a drip of venom. You stayed silent "they'll never notice me... By the time they do I'd already be far away from the area.." you mutter to him. "I also came because of the chance I'd see you..."you continued hearing his breath hitch in his throat.

"Tch you know better than to show your face around here Y/N... You're lucky I'm not equipped with my gear like last time" Levi hissed frowning at the memory. You gazed back up to him "I didn't crush you because I cared for you... Didn't you realise? I could have easily killed you but I didn't because I love you dammit... Even after all this shit and since we haven't seen each other in a long time... That didn't stop my feelings for you" you tell him. "And you can't refuse the thing we had going on Levi you can't say I didn't love you, it broke me to leave you like that and I hated every second of it" you sniffled lightly as Levi stayed quiet. "You abandoned me Y/N how was I supposed to react? The world isn't butterflies and rainbows!" Levi responded slightly irritated.

"Well... At least it shows you don't feel the same way anymore.. I have to get going before anyone finds us... I don't want you getting in trouble because of me" you bit your lip turning away you began to walk off until you felt a light grip on your wrist.

Spinning around in fright you eyed the ebony locked man who looked to you with pleading eyes "no Y/N those fucking feelings I have for you haven't just disappeared like dust, I still love you... Don't leave me again I promise we can sort everything out and help you" Levi said not faltering his gaze, you felt tears brim at the corner of your eyes as you pulled him over placing a kiss to his lips before pulling away seconds later. "I wish it could have been different Levi... I really wish it could have but you can't help me... Nobody can if I get brought in I'll most likely be executed for what horrible shit I've done" you whimper watching Levi stubbornly refuse to let tears appear.

"Y/N come on, you'll be safe, Historia is queen now she'll understand! You both worked together for years she'll understand you! Don't fucking leave me!" he grumbled blinking away the tears. "I can't Levi... But know I'll see you around maybe in a few weeks? Months? Days? Who knows but don't forget..I love you" Levi's grip was let loose off your wrist as his hand fell to his side. "I'll go with you.." he mumbled, you shook your head as guilt swarmed your being "no you will not! You belong here! Don't get any ideas Ackerman everyone knows how stubborn you can be!" you exclaim as Levi looks to you in thought.

"Then turn Reiner and Bertholdt in... Turning them both in will earn you some trust from the higher ups and government" Levi suggested trying any way to make you stay as you instantly became silent. "And how will I do that..?" you genuinely seemed interested in his plan "bring them for shopping but lead them to a secluded area where they will be surprised attacked and dealt with" Levi looked to you watching you furrow your eyebrows from the plan. "Alright you stubborn bastard... Promise me when the others find out they won't come after me?" you pouted playfully making him chuckle "promise".

// Time Skip - Some Years In The Future \

"Guess who's home you little shi-" Levi said walking into his home but was interupted by you "Levi! Language!" you scolded your husband. "Daddy!" your five year old daughter cheered running to her father who scooped her up and rested her on his hip. "Hey princess, did you behave for mommy?" Levi asked glancing to you then back to D/N, she nodded happily smiling to him while you sat at the kitchen table feeding your two year old son S/N who's face lit up at the sight of his father "dada!" S/N smiled seeing his father stroll into the kitchen. "Hey little guy" Levi spoke softly to the smaller human gently rubbing the top of his head.

"How was HQ?" you ask finished feeding your son, now gently wiping his mouth before sitting him on your lap. "It was fine, nothing out of the ordinary" Levi answered putting down D/N who ran off to her dolls. Levi proceeded to put on the kettle for his tea before kissing your cheek smiling softly as if you were a fragile doll. "How is the little brat in your stomach holding up?" Levi motioned to your slightly grown stomach whilst pouring out his tea and sitting next to you. "Oh the baby is fine, no need to worry hun" you smiled lightly to your husband who sipped his tea watching D/N play with her dolls and other toys in the living room quietly.


"Yes darling?"

"Thanks for keeping that promise.. "

"Anything for you Y/N"

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