Levi x Dragon Rider!Reader ~ Companion

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Set in AoT universe

Just to make it easier to think of a dragon use toothless for example

D/N - Dragon Name

Warning: Cursing

Summary: You take Levi out for a spin on your dragon to pass the time and help him relax


Sauntering through the corridors of the HQ you quietly whistled to yourself as your Night Fury also known as D/N padded along behind you. Wings folded his tail swished side to side ever so slightly with each step he took as he followed you. You were going to ask Levi if he wanted to ride with you and D/N to kill some time and show him what it's like to ride a dragon. Probably even teach him if he wanted to.

Arriving outside his office doors you strolled on in without knocking earning a click of the tongue from Levi. Averting his vision from the papers in front of him he looked up to you. Arms crossed with a playful smile on your lips you looked down to your lover, D/N was attempting to get in the small doorway but was failing miserably. Tilting his head to the side to look at D/N who kept trying to budge his way in through the singluar doorway he shook his head "D/N you're not small enough to fit through!" he called out before looking back to you. "What is it Y/N?" Levi asked you watching your smile grow bigger.

"I was wondering if you would want to come out for a fly, just to pass the time... I could show you what it's like to be in the sky" you eagerly say as Levi returns to his paperwork "I'm doing work, maybe some other time, I'm busy" he replies as you sigh. Turning you saw D/N blep "Levi he's giving you the blep! Please? It's gonna be fun! You can relax and have a great time with us!" you try again.

"Fine, just because I know you would never stop unless I do agree.." he muttered as you beamed to him. Watching him stand up and put on his Scouting jacket he rose an eyebrow to you "well? You gonna lead the way or what?" he questioned making you giggle from excitement. Leading him out of his office you gently pat D/N's head and brought them both out of the building onto the training ground where a few cadets were scattered around doing training.

D/N laid down on his stomach allowing you to climb on him, helping Levi on he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist. "Ready?" you smirk over your shoulder to him as he hesitantly nods, nudging D/N's side he stands up shaking off some dust before setting into a run. "Running? Really Y/N I thought you said flyi-" Levi's questioning tone was cut off when the three of you sprung up into the sky, subconsciously tightening his grip around your waist Levi dug his face into the crook of your neck refusing to look down at the ground that was inching further and further away.

Smiling you held onto the reigns as D/N began to even himself out as the sun shone onto the three of you, clouds were scattered along the blue sky as trees looked like tiny specs of dust on the grass below you. Levi was still dug into your neck, his grip not faltering. "Levi it's alright, we're not going up anymore... The view is pretty good up here" you attempt to sooth as he slowly lifts his head up from you looking around. "Don't you fucking dare let me fall Y/N" his voice cracked from fright, you've never seen Levi this scared before and it made you slightly guilty.

"Want to go lower love?" you suggested earning a nod from him "alright.. Hold on tight" you warn as D/N drops from the sky, rocketing towards the ground as Levi lets a yelp slip past his lips. Once you're near the ground D/N spreads back out his wings, gliding through the Summer breeze only a few meters above the ground as you flew over it. "Y/N I'm going to murder you.." Levi growls from behind you, loosening his grip on you he looks around in awe. "Imagine if everyone had a dragon.. They'd be so much better than the horses" you whisper as Levi hums in agreement.

Arriving at a glistening lake, D/N skims over the top of it tilting to the side ever so slightly as his wing dips into the water making it splash as he trails along the surface of it. Levi leans over looking down to the lake before flickering his gaze back to you, noticing you're circling back around the lake and towards HQ Levi presses himself up against your back and kisses your neck "thanks for this Y/N, it was better than I thought... Even when you nearly did give me a heart attack" Levi peppers your neck with kisses as you arrive back at thr training field.

Landing on the dirt ground D/N lays back down resting as you hop off his back with Levi. Dusting himself off Levi sent you a gentle expression "I'm going back to get the paperwork done... We should do that more often.." he mutters making you smile "yeah sure! I'll see you later!" waving him off you watch him leave.

A slight nudge was felt on your leg, looking down you smiled childishly at D/N who blepped up to you.

"D/N you're such a lil' baby"

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