Angry!Levi x Reader ~ Cuddles

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Warning: Cursing, very angry Levi

Summary: You take Levi's signature cravat ending up in him chasing you like a hungry lion throughout HQ


To say you were running around the HQ was an understatement, you were sprinting like your life depended on it as your face was clouded with terror running away from a very angry boyfriend chasing you down like a serial killer. "Y/N I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD YOU GET BACK HERE NOW!" Levi screamed ahead of him to you only making you run faster "never!" you responded back to him taking a sharp turn around the corner and continuing off on your sprint.

You may be wondering how you got there..

// Flashback \

Groaning you laid on the small couch against the wall in Levi's office, watching him scribble out paperwork with a frustrated look on his face. "Levi are you alright over there?" you raised an eyebrow, grunting the male nodded not daring to take his eyes or quill off the page he was currently on. Sighing you stood up walking over to him "want a massage? It will help you relax so you get the work done quicker" you smirked deviously as Levi subconsciously nodded, making your way around his large desk careful not to disturb your lover and not hit anything off his desk you arrived behind him.

Placing your delicate hands on his shoulders you began to lightly massage and ease his muscles making him more calm. Hearing a sigh of relief come from his lips eventually made you smirk before sneaking your hands to his neck and quickly undoing his cravat. Levi perked up feeling you undo his cravat and snapped his head around to you making your eyes go wide before you darted across the room and out the door as he followed you.

// End Of Flashback \

Turning yet another corner you saw a open window that met the training grounds, taking everything you had you didn't even falter your speed as you went face first out the window surprisingly not breaking the window pane. Swiftly standing up you turned back to Levi who stood looking out the window to you frowning 'oh now he's really pissed' you gulped as Levi glared at you "cadet I am giving you one last chance if you don't fucking get back in here and give me my cravat!" he seethed out to you. "Eh!? You know when you say stuff in that tone scares me so now you're definitely not getting it back!" you took off again across the training field gaining a few questionable looks from Eren and your friends. "Y/N what's wrong?" Eren shouted over to your retreating form "Levi's after me!" you yell back disappearing around a bunch of trees.

// Levi's P.O.V \

Clicking my tongue from anger I watched Y/N disappear behind the trees, glancing down to where my cravat usually would be I rolled my eyes. Suddenly hearing a bright bubbly voice from down the corridor I mentally groaned 'not now Hanji...' looking over I couldn't help but let a scowl appear on my face watching the woman appear beside me.

"What's up Levi?" she grinned, biting the inside of my cheek I cross my arms "Y/N thought it would be funny and took my cravat" I frown at the thought whilst Hanji laughed patting my shoulder "oh sweet Wall Maria!" she chuckled before smirking down to me. "You really want it back that bad?" four-eyes asked as I nodded, clasping her hands excitedly Hanji smiled "well I got a plan shorty!" she giggles, sighing I nod for her to continue "fine... Go ahead".

// Your P.O.V \

Sitting at the stump of a tree I panted tiredly looking around making sure Levi wasn't following I smile widely in victory. "Looks like this is mine now~" I sang in a bubbly tone looking up to the sky.

Soon enough, I heard approaching footsteps. Spinning around getting ready to run again I ease up at the sight of Hanji smiling innocently giving me a small wave, returning the gesture I watch the scientist stand in front of me with her hands on her hips looking down to my sitting figure.

"What's up Hanji?" I ask holding the cravat on my lap looking up to her, Hanji's smile falters before she sighs "Levi's been under a lot of pressure and work for a while now right?" she starts, wearily I nod at her "I don't think you messing with him and taking his cravat did any good, it just frustrated him more and I ended up walking in on him crying" Hanji says lowly to you, your face drops before panic sets in.

Standing up straight away you looked wide eyed to your friend "is he in his office?" you quickly say as she nods. Not even bothering to walk you bulleted over to the direction of the HQ since you found out you made your boyfriend cry sent you going faster than expected.

Arriving in the HQ you darted through the corridors and up the set of stairs leading to the second floor eventually arriving outside Levi's room you slammed the door open and flung yourself in "LEVI WHERE ARE YOU!? OH MY GOD SWEETIE I'M SORRY!" you screech in panic frantically looking around the empty office until a deep chuckle filled the air. Whizzing around you looked at Levi who stood in front of the closed door with his arms crossed as a smug smile perked at his thin lips.

"You arrived quite quickly hm? Now, how about you give me back what is mine?" Levi said not taking his grey orbs off you. Your mouth went agape ever so slightly "y-you jerk! You worked with Hanji to make me come back! I thought you were genuinely crying you dickhead!" you growl to him holding the cravat. "It was her idea, I never thought you would appear so quickly though.. now give me the cravat before I make you clean the building" Levi's tone turned from sweet and kind to the cold and grumpy tone he used on the others. "O-Only if we cuddle later!" you squeak as Levi frowns playfully "I mentioned cuddling earlier but you thought I was lying" he responded arriving in front of you taking the fabric from your hands.

Looking to you as he done his cravat he sighed "If you wanted to cuddle or whatever the fuck you wanted you could have just asked after I finished the paperwork" he informed as your shoulders slumped "well you take houurrsss at it and I want my cuddles" you pout to him as he shakes his head finished his cravat.

"Tch fine.. If you want cuddles that much you can sit on my lap while I finish paperwork" he raised an eyebrow seeing you in thought before you smirked. "Sounds highly sexual" you joked, rolling his eyes Levi went to his desk and sat down. "It can sound whatever you want it to sound like" he said patting his lap at you like you were some puppy.

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