Levi x Stressed!Reader ~ Work

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Request: Female reader who has the intelligence of Hange and the skill of Levi, is given too much work by both Erwin and Hange that she doesn't eat or sleep and Levi becomes concerned but doesn't want to show it because he doesn't want to tell her he likes her, but one day she collapses from too much work

Warning: Cursing


You had always been a busy bee around the Survey Corps, having some skills like Levi when it came to combat and 3DM Gear along with the intelligence of Hanji and Armin put together. This making you quickly rise in popularity among the group of 104th Cadets.

Erwin had given you a stack of paperwork which consisted of 80 pages, it made you slightly annoyed but you went along with it. Not even three minutes after collecting the stack of pages you were walking through the corridors of the HQ and you happened to bump into Hanji and Levi.

''Hey Y/N! I got some paperwork for you~ I see Erwin has drowned you already with paperwork, so, here's more!'' Hanji smiled piling more pages onto your now high stack of paperwork, internally screaming for this to stop you were caught from your thoughts when Levi clicked his tongue. ''How many fucking pages are you even holding?'' he asked eying the mountain that you were finding difficult to hold with both your arms. E/C orbs flicking over the work you shrugged tiredly ''80? 90 pages? I need to go and get this shit load done, I'll see you later Levi... Bye Hanji'' you tell them before walking off leaving the two of them standing there watching you go into your office.

// 3 Days Later \

That was three days ago, you had 120 pages to get through to be exact and now you were only on your 57th page. You didn't even bother sleep last night or the night before, you refused to leave your office until all the pages were done and finished. Dull E/C staring down at the page whilst your quill was grazing over it creating words and sentences. Dark bags had appeared under your eyes and your skin had begun to turn pale, not only was the tiredness beginning to bite and gnaw at your mind, your stomach growled every five minutes pleading to be fed which made you even more irritated.

A knock was sounded at your door, dragging your eyes to the wooden door across the room from you-you sighed inwardly, too drained of everything to even bother putting up a happy facade. ''Come in..'' you droned, soon the door burst open and in came Hanji smiling widely, her smile faltered a bit though after seeing the state you're in. Uniform slightly messed up, a tired expression playing on your face making you look like you were going to break down any second now. Your once neat and tidy desk was now turned into a dirty home for piled finished and un-done paperwork, empty ink jars scattered around your desk like the one you were currently using was next to you. ''What is it Hanji?'' you yawned as the scientist walked over to you, leaning over the desk ever so slightly she looked over your exhausted figure.

''Come on Y/N, we're getting you out of this office and getting you fixed up'' she said taking your wrist and dragging you up out of your chair, covering your mouth with your free hand you yawned again as Hanji dragged you out of your office and through the bright hallways. ''It's lunchtime Y/N! I bet you're hungry'' Hanji attempted to cheer you up but you rolled your eyes, too emotionally drained to put up with her happy mood.

You both arrived in the mess hall, Hanji brought you over and sat you down at the superior table where you usually sit. Erwin looked confused on what happened to you while Levi looked over your fatigued frame, feeling slightly guilty for not offering to help with your paperwork. Hanji went off to get you some food and to get her own so you were left with the two males you looked at you in confusion. ''Hello Y/N, are you alright? You don't look like your normal bubbly self'' Erwin told you as you lazily rose an eyebrow ''yeah Erwin I'm fine, just a tiny bit tired.. No biggie'' you offered the blonde a smile which he returned, Levi clicked his tongue ''you look like you have slept with the horses for the past 3 nights'' he commented making you roll your eyes.

Suddenly a tray of food was dropped in front of you making you jump from fright, shooting a glare to Hanji she shrugged and giggled, sitting down next to you she began to eat. In a matter of a few minutes, you had completely devoured your food leaving the three veterans to stare at the empty tray in shock. Standing up you began to leave until Levi hollered over to you. ''Y/N! Wait there you idiot!'' he shouted across the mess hall, stopping immediately you glanced over your shoulder noticing Levi was marching towards you with the usual bored expression he always had. ''You look like shit when we arrive at your office go get a shower while I do some of your paperwork. Got it?'' he instructed, nodding you led the way to your office.

The corridor was empty apart from you two and the occasional sound of both your boots clicking off the stone floor of the HQ, you felt a wave of dizziness overcome you. Subconsciously you kept walking but you started to lean against the wall for some support, bright and colorful dots began to appear and cloud your vision as you felt your knees buckle and soon give out from underneath you. ''Oi Y/N'' Levi called out to you catching you from your fall, your body went limp as Levi crouched down holding your head up lightly tapping at your cheek for you to gain back some consciousness.

Frowning he hauled you up and carried you bridal style to your office, opening the door with his foot he walked in and kicked it closed with his heel as he laid you down on the small sofa near the door. Glancing to your desk where the mountains of pages lay he frowned before turning back to you, leaning down Levi softly kissed your forehead before cruising to your desk.

// 4 Hours Later \

Groaning you shifted on the soft surface you lay on, opening your eyes you flicked your vision around the familiar room, eventually landing on the short raven-haired male who finished signing off the last page of work. Lifting his head up to you, your eyes widened at the sight 'Did he just finish the paperwork?! What? Damn, I never thought Levi could be so nice~' you mentally said as Levi frowned to you.

''Finally, you're awake... Tch.. Idiot you collapsed in the corridor back to here, four hours later, here you are now'' Levi's voice was laced with sarcasm as his gunmetal orbs sent shivers through you. ''S-Sorry... You could have just left me there.. Y-You didn't have to do my work for me..'' you muttered in embarrassment to Levi who clicked his tongue. ''And let them shitty cadets probably kidnap you? No, I wouldn't just leave you there... Plus, you would have taken forever with this shit so you better be grateful'' Levi motioned to the neat desk with finished work making you smile. ''I am grateful, thank you Levi I owe you one'' you watch Levi shake his head and walk out from behind your desk.

''How about re-pay me by taking over my training tomorrow while I clean my fucking office again'' Levi offered standing in front of you, nodding happily you thanked him again before he walked out of your office leaving you alone.

Oh how you adored that stubborn man.

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