Headcanon #13

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Request: Maybe some headcanons for levi getting a massage from his s/o, But he (like most other high ranking soldiers) are extremely sensitive to a gentle touch. He might not used to someone touching him without the intention of hurting him or he's gone so long without physical contact that he is sensitive to it.

My PoOr bEAn

× Levi was stressed due to a stack of paperwork needing to be finished

× So you offered to give him a massage to calm him him and help him relax

× Was somehow very hesitant about it

× But he agreed to it

× When you first laid your gentle fingertips on his shoulders he flinched

× This made you slightly confused

× "You alright?"

× "Tch yeah I'm fine.."

× He calms down after getting used to you gently massaging his shoulders

× You start to move down his back

× Levi flinches again but more this time

× You attempt to sooth him with sweet little words as you try again

× Levi's muscles are very tense and it makes you slightly concerned

× "If you want me to stop just say"

× "No keep doing it"

× After many flinches and slight hisses you somehow eventually have him melting under your touch

× "R-Right there"

× He loves getting his shoulder blades done and it makes you grin

× You'd hear occasional grunts and groans from the man if you massage a good spot

× It's a really good stress reliver for him and he's grateful for you doing it

× Won't hesitate to give you one in return

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