Levi x Stoic!Reader ~ Friends

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Request: Fluffy request inbound! Could you do how Levi would react to a normally stoic reader coming up to him and giving him a light kiss on the cheek as a thank you for just being her friend

Warning: None

Sorry this is so short, I've basically put this a drabble tbh


You were a stoic cadet, silent yet sometimes you're actually an approachable person (rarely). You weren't really that sociable since you'd only reply with short answers or you wouldn't reply at all.

You surprisingly got on well with Levi, he understood why you weren't that approachable and the both of you would occasionally be caught in a quiet conversation. Levi made you feel happy and vice versa, you quickly became a good friend of his.

One day you two were strolling along the HQ chatting when you suddenly pecked his cheek, Levi's face errupted in a bright red blush from becoming slightly flustered. "Thank you for being my friend Levi.. It means a lot to me.." he'd hear you mumble which would make his heart skip a beat. "At least you don't act like a spoiled child like the others" Levi would say making you errupt in giggles.

Months pass and Levi begins to peck your cheek in private every time before you both go outside of the walls in case something happens to one of you.

He cares about you~

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