Horny!Levi x Reader ~ Submissive

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Request: (nsfw) imagine levi teasing the reader under the table during a dinner date

I changed this from a dinner date to a meeting with some higher-ups, Eren, and the others

Warning: Slight NSFW Content

Reader is 18+


Commander Erwin called you and the others for a meeting about the next Expedition, as you walked in you were one of the first ones to arrive, you found a chair situated at the large table where everyone would be sitting. Sitting down you were greeted by Hanji and Erwin as they waited for everyone to arrive. ''Hey Y/N!'' Hanji grinned widely, ''hello Hanji hi Commander'' you smiled to them while fixing your collar. Erwin nodded at you smiling, Eren strolled into the room followed by Mikasa and Armin taking seats across from you ''Hi Y/N how are you?'' Armin sat up. ''I'm good how about you guys? Everything alright?'' you started resting your arms on the wooden table in front of you, Mikasa nodded slightly ''we're doing fine thanks Y/N'' the raven-haired girl answered for Armin.

Soon enough Levi walked in clicking his tongue, followed by his squad. Petra was bickering with Oluo while Eld and Gunther stayed silent. Levi took a seat next to you after giving you a small smile watching you lay back in the chair, everyone took their seats and Erwin started to explain his plan about the upcoming expedition.

// Time Skip - 5 Minutes \

You were listening carefully to Erwin, taking in every detail until you felt a gentle touch at your knee. You didn't think much of it before it slowly started moving up your thigh, deathly making little circles slowly going up and down your thigh. You raised an eyebrow from concentration and concern, unfolding your arms from on the desk you looked down to your lap seeing Levi's hand on your thigh. Your breath hitched as you snapped your eyes up to Levi seeing him resting his chin on the palm of his hand looking away from you towards the Commander. You pushed the dirty thoughts that dared tried to get into your mind away, dismissing them making up an excuse that Levi was just bored from the meeting.

Your excuse vanished when Levi's hand lightly went over the area of your core making your eyes go wide 'He wouldn't dare! Not now! We're surrounded by people! God dammit Levi' you mentally panicked as he continued to lightly rub his fingers over your covered area. Heat rose to your cheeks and you shifted in your seat.

Levi was giving no mercy though, he skillfully slipped his hand in your pants, you bit the inside of your lip as you looked to him pleadingly. Levi looked at you from the corner of his eye watching you squirm from underneath him. He began playing with the rim of your underwear before slowly pulling it down making little circles over your core. Your face went deep red as you choked back moans that tried to daringly escape your lips.

Levi continued to tease and lightly rub his fingers over your now-wet core, you bit down harshly on your lip restraining yourself. You felt Levi's hand slowly move away while pulling back up your underwear, you fixed your pants watching Levi subtly move his glistening finger to his mouth and licked it clean before anyone could notice.

'Fuck..' I thought as I watched Levi lick his finger seductively, I felt like complete jelly from my submissive self letting him do such pleasurable acts to me. I watched as his hand returned to my lap resting on it. ''And that's the whole plan for the expedition, we shouldn't expect too many casualties but we will still lose some soldiers'' Erwin finished as we all nodded ''You're dismissed, Hanji meet me in my office'' Erwin told the scientist. ''You four can leave as well I want a private word with Y/N and don't stand outside the door either or else you're on stable duty'' Levi said in a bored tone, watching everyone leave the room I sat there quietly looking to Levi in confusion.

Levi raised his eyebrow at me before smirking deviously ''did you enjoy that?'' He huskily whispered while I nodded biting my lip, a pink hue returning to my cheeks causing him to chuckle leaning against the table ''would you like me to finish what I started cadet?'' Levi suggested loosening his cravat slightly. I nodded eagerly making a dirty smirk to crawl onto Levi's face before he took off his jacket leaving it on the chair.

Levi then locked the door and continued back to me where he knelt in front of me, I sat on the chair looking down at him innocently. Levi gently took the brim of my pants, looking up to me for permission I nodded causing him to take off my pants in a matter of seconds a proceed to my underwear, finally seeing the color ''pink hm? Never thought you would turn that girly on me Y/N..'' Levi growled playfully making me giggle lightly.

Without hesitation Levi slowly licked up and down my thighs, leaving a warm trail of saliva behind. I let my head fall back resting my hands on each of his shoulders, Levi's mouth arrived at my core and continued to lick and suck on it gently. I watched as his eyes fluttered shut while I began holding onto his hair letting out little squeaks as he tasted me. Levi's hands wrapped around my hips as I felt his nose nudge against my core, he thrusted his tongue deep inside making me gasp and hold on tighter to his hair. Hearing his groan of satisfaction almost making me go insane.

A few minutes later he pulled away as I gently ran my hands through his raven hair smiling down at him, noticing his mouth soaking wet, Levi licked his lips before rising up and kissing me. Having me concentrated on kissing him Levi pushed two of his fingers inside me and began swirling them around inside. I moaned and leaned into the crook of his neck completely going submissive for him, he continued this for another little while. ''Fuck Y/N we better leave before someone comes'' Levi said before pulling his fingers out from me and sucking them clean. I nodded tiredly before pulling up my underwear and trousers, standing up feeling my knees weak I smiled at Levi who was fixing his cravat then putting back on his jacket. ''Come on let's go'' Levi said as I followed him out.

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