Levi x Rich!Reader ~ Ballroom Dance

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Request: How would Levi react to seeing the reader who he's grown to have a huge crush on show up all done up and looking like a princess when they show up to a military ball to celebrate a victory of some sort. He's only ever seen her in her uniform and he's like in absolute awe of her all put together

Warning: Cursing


Commander Erwin had recently announced that a ball that all military regiments would be holding together a ball Erwin asked us to dress nicely since some nobles would be attending as well so he sent everyone home. Of course, you were excited for it since it would be your first ball and you would get to dress nicely in front of your crush the Corporal. Since your family was known for being the richest and most elegant family in Wall Sina you bet you were going to steal the show in an amazing dress.

You were slipping on your dress in your room, a large pink ballgown acquainted with diamonds and gems scattered among it to add some extra worth, off-the-shoulder sleeves gently tugged at your arm as you looked at your slim figure in your large mirror. You looked like a princess from a fairytale, you decided to let your H/C hair hang down loosely and you began on your makeup. Make-up costed a fortune since it was rare and couldn't be bought apart from some little shops, so you applied a nice look and boy did you look more stunning than ever. ''Y/N darling your horse and carriage is here!'' your mother called upstairs to you ''okay mom!'' you groaned grabbing your purse and making your way down the stairs meeting both your parents by the door. ''My, my you look wonderful dear!'' you mother gushed while your father handed you a little box ''this is a present for your Corporal, a thank you gift for keeping you safe while beyond the walls, it's a cravat made from the only finest fabric'' you father explained. You said your farewell and walked down to your awaiting horse and carriage, the driver greeting you before helping you get in.

'I wonder how everyone will look' you thought to yourself watching the scenery pass by as you traveled, soon enough arriving outside a large castle which was lit up nicely, torches scattered around as some on-duty military police guarded the entrance. Getting out careful not to trip on your dress you strolled along the gravel path as the moonlight shone down onto your figure, the officers nodded at you letting you inside after opening the door.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I stood with the higher ups drinking wine while looking around. Being honest I had no time for shitty balls like this the only thing that is keeping me pleased in this shitty place is the wine and the fact that Y/N will be here. 'Maybe I should ask her for a dance?' I thought to myself before quickly dismissing the thought 'She would probably dance with Kierschien.. Then again I don't think I saw that brat at all tonight'' I continue to mentally talk with myself. Keeping my eyes trained on the entrance doors I watch couples walk in happily, some in groups, some people by themselves.

Then I notice Y/N wearing a gorgeous ballgown, I blinked keeping my eyes on her as she shyly tries to think what she'll do next. Finishing my drink I place it on a tray before dusting myself down and fixing my cravat before excusing myself.

// Your P.O.V \

I brushed down my dress my hands clasped behind my back as I hold the box my father gave me earlier, standing to the sidelines awkwardly watching everyone have a good time I begin to rethink my choices about going.

I failed to notice Levi walk over to me until the last second before he arrived, I gave him a gentle smile ''hello sir'' I greet ''good evening Y/N how are you?'' Levi asks ''I'm doing good thanks, what about you sir?'' I reply gently before remembering the box behind my back. ''I'm fine, Y/N you can drop the formalities it's okay'' Levi reassures before looking around ''oh sorry! By the way, my father wanted me to give this to you'' I say while handing him the box, he takes it while saying 'thanks' and opens it revealing a smooth white silky cravat neatly folded. He lifted it out from the box and his eyes widened recognizing the fabric. ''Oh my Y/N I can't take this it must have cost hundreds'' Levi gasped, I giggle ''my father got it for you as a way of saying thanks for keeping me safe beyond the walls'' I explain watching him look over the new cravat in awe before putting it away.

''Want to dance Y/N?'' Levi asked gesturing to the dancefloor with very few couples dancing on it, my face reddened and I nodded shyly ''i-it would be an honor sir'' Levi smirked to me before gently taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor. When we arrived Levi swirled me in a circle making my dress flow up ever so slightly before we clasped hands, Levi wrapped his free hand around my waist softly. With one of my hands holding his I rested my other on his shoulder as we began to dance slowly in rhythm with the delicate music playing. Our chests pressed up against each other as I look up slightly to meet Levi's eyes ''I thought tonight would be a boring night, turns out I was wrong'' I say earning a deep chuckle from Levi ''I thought that a well, except for the fact that they would have proper good wine here and the fact I would get..'' Levi stopped talking for a few seconds causing me to look at him in confusion ''The fact I would get to see you is what made me come here Y/N'' I bite my lip avoiding eye contact and look at his cravat.

''I understand if you don't return the feelings Y/N and I assure you, you won't be punished if you don't return them'' Levi says quietly as we still move with the music, he spins me again before I end up back in his arms. ''I-I..'' I stutter ''I love you Corporal'' I hear Levi's breath hitch in his throat. I pull away carefully ''I'm going to get something to drink..'' I mumble, turning around leaving him to gather my thoughts.

I leaned against the stone railing of the balcony sipping from my wine glass thinking. 'Are higher-ups even allowed in relationships?' I thought before sighing 'dammit Y/N get a hold of yourself girl! No need to be scared of being in a relationship with the man you love' I add mentally. I hear footsteps come from behind me and I see Levi stand beside me from the corner of my eye over-looking the large flower garden below us. ''Sorry I left you earlier... I panicked'' I apologized before turning to him, Levi looked to me putting his wine glass on the stone railing. He sighed ''it's fine I really couldn't care less if anyone saw you leave me, I just needed to find you and see if you're alright'' Levi informed ''and since I did, are you alright?'' he continued. ''I'm fine thanks, do you really like me though are you drunk or something?'' I ask lightly looking over my painted nails, Levi snickered ''Y/N you know I have a very high tolerance to alcohol'' I giggled at him before silence overcame us once again.

''I love you..'' Levi said out of the blue, I rolled my eyes playfully grabbing his cravat and leaned up to him kissing his lips. Levi's eyes go wide before he kisses me back, I hear the bell chime midnight and I pull back grinning to him happily.

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