Levi x Upset!Child!Reader

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Request: imagine levi doing his paperwork and his 5 year old daughter throwing the biggest temper tantrum and levi get's so mad that he screams i wish id never adopt you and theres angst

Warnings: Angst, Cursing


You sat at the little couch your father had at the side of his office, bawling your eyes out like there was no tomorrow. You had just ripped one of your favorite teddy bears by accident making the whole plush toy tear in half, so here you were crying on the sofa looking down at the pieces of fabric trying to stick them back together with your tiny little 5 year old hands.

You looked over to Levi seeing his knuckles white while clutching onto the quill he was using to do paperwork.

"D-Daddy m-my teddy is d-dead!" you sniffed, sticky tears rolling down your cheeks looking to your father hoping he'll do something. You could see him rolling his eyes and clicking his tongue "Y/N it's a fucking teddy I'll get you one again tomorrow" he growled. "No! Why can't we go get one now!?" you question angrily, your little eyebrows furrowing at the elder man. "Don't talk back to me Y/N" Levi warned, you ignored him and continued "no! You never listen to me!" you cry harder. "I do fucking listen to you dammit" Levi ran a hand through his raven locks.

"Then why don'-!" you were cut off by your father snapping his gaze up to you. "I don't fucking care Y/N! You're just a shitty kid! I don't even know why I adopted you in the first place! Now get the fuck out of my office you fucking shithead!" He screamed across the room to you scaring you half to death, getting up and running out of the office shutting the door with a slam leaving Levi in silence.

Running down the hallway you soon arrived at Hanji's office, opening the door like you usually would, tears streaking down your cheeks as you face the desk belonging to the elder woman.

Hanji looked up from her small amount of paperwork she was about to finish, her eyes widened at the state you were in. Puffy red eyes, tear stained cheeks, your lip was quivering and you clung to your dress as you looked up to your friend. "Y/N what happened are you okay?" she got up from her desk and knelt down in front of you wiping away the tears "d-daddy said I'm just a shitty child a-and he doesn't know w-why he adopted me i-in the first place... H-he kept calling me names" you squeaked out to her rubbing your eyes. Hanji frowned at the thought of Levi saying those things before she offered you a goofy grin "why don't we visit Erwin hm? I bet you'll have a great time with the commander! I just need to talk to shorty kay?" Hanji smiled, you smiled softly "o-okay I'll go stay with Erwin!" you chirped, Hanji ruffled your hair before you both left the office.

You arrived outside the commnders office in a few minutes, Hanji knocked on the door "Who is it?" you both heard Erwin's voicr boom from inside "Section Commander Hanji! And I got Levi's little cutie with me!" Hanji giggled before walking in without permission.

Erwin sat at his desk reading a book, he turned his gaze to the two females eyes landing on you he spoke softly "what happened?" you looked around the room while Hanji held your smaller hand in hers "Levi said some pretty bad things to her... You don't mind if I leave her here for a while before I collect her hm Erwin?" Hanji asked, Erwin nodded smiling towards the scientist "Thanks Erwin! I'll be back in a bit!" she cheered as she left the room, watching her leave you turned back towards the taller man shrugging your shoulders.

// Hanji's P.O.V \

I left Y/N with Erwin knowing she'll be in good hands, soon I arrive and I walk into Levi's office without knocking. "What is it shitty-glasses?" Levi groans from annoyance I only frown at him "why did you scream at Y/N she's only a child Levi she thinks you hate her" I growl resting my goggles on my forrhead. "She was getting on my nerves why?" Levi raised an eyebrow signing off the last sheet of paperwork "because she came running to me like the devil was on her tail!" I sneer at the raven-haired man. He clicked his tongue not responding, losing my patience I slam my hands on his desk "she's a child Levi! I've noticed the way you brush her off when she tries to tell you somethings wrong! You don't know how much times that poor girl came to me during the night because you were too caught up with paperwork! aND DON'T EVEN START PUTTING THIS ON THE PAPERWORK BECAUSE WE HAVE AN ENTIRE WEEK TO FINISH IT AND IT'S ONLY THE FIRST DAY!! OH BOO!! HOO!! YOU'RE STRESSED OVER PAPERWORK!? MAYBE YOU WOULDN'T BE IF YOU JUST PAYED ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILD AND TOOK A BREAK FROM IT FOR ONCE!!" I screamed at him, Levi sat in silence" she went to you during the night..?" he asked, I nodded. "She comes to me for comfort! She comes to me when somethings wrong with her because she knows well enough one, you wouldn't care and two, you would brush her off! What if she was trying to tell you the kids at school were bullying her! She feels like she can't tell her own father this because you don't care what happens to her!" I finish standing up straight, placing my goggles back down over my eyes I turn around and walk out. As I reach the door I look back at him over my shoulder "if you keep this up the authorities will take Y/N away from you" I say before leaving.

// Your P.O.V \

I sat beside Erwin at his desk drawing while humming quietly. Hanji came in giving me a soft smirk "hey Y/N I see you're working hard! That's a really good drawing you got there! I talked to your daddy and you might want to go see him now hm?" Hanji asks standing in front of me, Erwin was still reading "yes you should probably go see Levi Y/N" Erwin says. I nod before thanking them both and walking out.

As I arrive at my fathers office I carefully open the door resulting in it to creak slightly. I walk in looking for my father which was nowhere to be seen. I quietly go over to his desk noticing my old ripped teddy bear is now gone from the small couch at the side of the room.

I sit down twiddling my thumbs looking down at my lap. "Y/N? Princess?" I flinch slightly not daring to look over to where the voice came from. "Princess look what I've got you.." I hear my father say again, I slowly turn my head looking at him noticing him put down a big crate full of teddy bears and stuffed animals.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you.. I didn't mean it and I know how much you loved that teddy that got ripped so I got you a whole crate full of plushes" Levi says softly, I nod "Those things I said to you I didn't mean them I love my little princess, I swear I'll never hurt you" Levi kneels in front of me "I love you too daddy.." I wrap my little arms around his neck and hug him which he quickly returns. "Now let's go and check out the new toys hm? And let's give them different names as welk does that sound good?" Levi asks as I get up nodding walking over to the large crate, I see him open a latch and all the teddies come pouring out. Every one of them a different size as I grin at the amount of plushes.

"Shall we begin?"


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