Levi x Pregnant!Reader ~ Gift

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Request: Hi 😊 Can I request a Levi x s/o AU where the reader gets pregnant during her the time he spends time with Levi after confessing to him, but she's way too scared to tell him about it 'cause you know how the situation is in the corps. So she goes to Hange for help and Hange summons Levi & s/o to her room in order to talk through this with Levi. I also would like to see Levi getting sad over the fact she didn't tell him about it first and kinda disagrees with the idea she gives birth. Thanks ^^


Warning: Angst, Cursing


The Survey Corps had been marked as not wanted anymore, meaning you didn't have to run and hide since the Inner MP pigs were after you and your friends. Reading the letter over Levi's shoulder surrounded by your friends, Levi held up the page to his face as you all towered around him.

''And there you have it... The coo was successful, Premier Zachary now has full control of the capital and government... For the time being at least, the nobles seem to be staying in line'' Hanji says looking to you, Armin, Connie, Jean, Mikasa, and Sasha gaze into the letter quietly. Armin flicked his head towards Hanji ''Okay but what about the incident with Mr.Reeves?'' he asked puzzled, Hanji grinned in return to the blonde. ''We got a public confession out of one of the Interior Police, Reeves and Flegel really pulled through for us, it's all written right there!'' Hanji's grin didn't falter ''the abuse of power, the bogus charges against the Scouts! And that King Fritz was both a puppet and a fraud! It's clear that we only acted in self-defense, in short... We're no longer criminals'' the woman finished.

My face lit up as I looked towards Jean and the others, a grin creeping onto my lips. Next second the six of us erupted in cheers and roars of happiness, jumping into the air from delight I excitedly fist pumped the air as Connie joined me. ''Take that MP's! We're no longer criminals!'' I screech, the grin not faltering, I could feel Jean pick me up and spin me around as I laughed. Sasha clung to Mikasa as the raven-haired girl smiled gently. ''Come on guys! Y/N! Group hug!'' Sasha ushered as we all huddled up into a little hug, Levi and Hanji watched us have a little celebration. A soft smile tugging on her lips seeing us cry out from joy.

A few minutes later we all calmed down, except for our beaming happiness that plastered each of our faces. Hanji held out some book to Levi ''We need to find Eren and Historia quickly'' Levi said to her as me and the others stood there after departing from the hug. Levi hummed in confusion looking to the woman ''right, let's et there and put an end to this fight'' she said fiercely.

// Time Skip \

It's been five months since we weren't marked as criminals anymore, Historia was now queen and things seemed to be getting better. The day Historia became queen was the day Levi had actually confessed to me, ever since then we've been together.

But the thing is...

Levi got me pregnant one night.

The expedition to retake Wall Maria was in a few days.

That's where I began to worry, it turned from small tummy aches to nearly getting sick in the toilet and I went to see a doctor, only to be told I was pregnant. Levi is already busy enough, I don't want to stress him to the point where he gives up on me.

He wouldn't do that to me though

Would he?

I was currently sitting on top of the wall, knees up to my chest as some Scouts were helping Garrison soldiers help move the cannons around the wall and reloading them. Hearing boots click from beside me I turn and see Hanji walk towards me with a smile, sending me a little wave she appears next to me looking down to me. ''Hey Y/N, how have you been? Levi was telling me about you been sick lately'' she says as I sigh, biting my lip I knew I had to tell someone. ''Hanji... Can I t-tell you something in private? A-away from here?'' I suggested as she quirks an eyebrow but nodded anyway. Watching me get up she motioned for me to lead the way. I began to walk the opposite way from Levi and the others with the Garrison soldiers.

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