Levi x Fem!Reader x Eren ~ Jealousy War

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Warnings: Cursing


You were in the girl's dorm room, windows open, door wide open as well since the scorching heat was eating you all alive. You were all in tank tops and shorts since the heat was taking a toll on you all, not to mention you had training in two hours. ''God it's so hot....i feel like I'm going to shrivel up and die..'' Sasha whined trying to fan herself, Mikasa nodded before Ymir suggested ''Isn't there a lake nearby we could get into? It's too damn warm plus I bet Christa's going to have a heat stroke any moment now'' You jumped up excitedly ''that's a great idea Ymir! I can ask Hanji to ask the Commander to call off training for today since it's too warm and maybe everyone can chill by the lake!'' you exclaimed before darting out of the room without another word, the hallways were less warm than the rooms which made you smile as you went into Hanji's office without knocking. You would always do this since Hanji was your elder sister so she let you in whenever you wanted.

When you darted into the room, shutting the door behind you and sighing lightly. ''What the fuck are you wearing cadet?'' Levi asked puzzled yet sternly. You paled ''oh! hey Y/N something wrong? you came running in here like a serial killer was after you!'' Hanji joked lightly leaning against her desk smiling to you. You shook your head ''erm.. am I interrupting something?'' you asked ''no brat now for the second time, what are you wearing?'' Levi looked you up and down which caused you to blush lightly ''oh well since it's so warm outside, the girls and I ditched our uniform and tried to cool off... That reminds me! Hanji! Can you do your little sister a favor~?'' You asked in a sing-song way making her nod slowly before you continued. ''Can you ask Erwin if we can take the day off? the heat's taking a toll on us and all we want to do is go to the lake nearby and chill..pretty pleassseeee?'' you asked forcing your best puppy eyes to your elder sibling, Levi rolled his eyes playfully at your actions. ''That's a wonderful idea Y/N! Even though I don't think Erwin would give up on training that easily but I'll try'' Hanji squealed causing you to laugh lightly before saying thanks and leaving.

// Levi's P.O.V \

'Why does that brat always make me feel weird? Don't tell me I'm falling for shitty glasses sister... Then again I bet it wouldn't be that bad.. Fuck Levi what are you thinking? Shut up, you idiot!' I scolded myself still looking towards the door in a daze after your departure. Hanji caught this and smirked ''so Levi after my sister are you?'' the scientist teased nudging me lightly ''shut it four-eyes! so what if I am-'' I stopped myself turning silent immediately after those words slipped past my lips making Hanji burst out into a fit of laughter patting my back. ''It's fine Levi! You can like her as long as you don't do anything rash or hurt her that is'' Hanji smiled threateningly towards me before giggling ''plus.. I heard Eren likes Y/N too, isn't that adorable? two people after my sister~'' Hanji continued to tease before I rolled my eyes walking out muttering to her about telling Erwin about the day off.

It didn't take long for me to convince Eyebrows about a day off due to the heat, I thanked him before leaving. Heading to my office I took off my jacket and loosely undid my cravat letting it hang from my neck. I began on some paperwork, running my fingers through my raven hair every now and then before I finished the latest reports and got back up standing behind my desk looking out the large window into the training area below, lost in thought looking over the bright blue skies and fields scattered with flowers and trees. I looked down to the training area noticing the cadets and even some higher-ups heading outside in swimwear along with spare towels. My grey orbs scanned through the crowd eventually spotting Y/N in a bikini walking alongside her friends, I bit my lip, quickly getting swimming trunks in case I was to hop in the lake with them before turning around heading out of the office to follow the group 'Yeager likes Y/N? Well sorry, brat she's mine' I thought to myself catching up with the group beside Hanji ''Oh! Hey Shorty! Didn't think you'd come!'' Hanji grinned making me roll my eyes ''someone has to make sure you brats don't drown'' I snarled to her making Hanji grin more. I caught sight of Y/N walking alongside Eren, this making me scowl towards them ''she's with him...'' I mumbled to Hanji making her snicker at my actions.

// Your P.O.V \

I walked aside Eren, Sasha at my other side. It didn't take long for me to notice Eren was trying to flirt with me, wrapping his free arm around my waist made my eyes go wide in shock. I refused to say anything in case I turned out to be rude, Sasha quickly caught onto my uncomfortable form and 'excused herself' more like she went to tell Hanji that Eren was making the move making me uncomfortable.

// Sasha's P.O.V \

I made my way to Hanji quickly earning a concerned look from the woman ''oi brat you alright?'' Levi growled, I shook my head before pointing to Y/N and Eren ''Eren is making her uncomfortable, making moves onto her I can tell she's too scared to say anything'' Hanji was about to say something but Levi shouted over to her to come back to him.

// Your P.O.V \

''What was Yeager doing?'' Levi asked glaring ahead at the boy a few rows ahead ''just making me uncomfortable, really, it's nothing I'm fine'' I smile towards Levi while Hanji told me to stay with her, I nodded and walked with them in a nice silence listening to everyone laugh and chat ahead of us. It wasn't long until we arrived at the clear lake surrounded by some trees. Hanji immediately took off after laying everything onto the grass, grabbing my wrist and darting towards the lake. I laughed before we both jumped into the lake.

We spent a few hours at the lake since it was right beside HQ so we were fine. I climbed out heading up the small slope to where my towels and stuff were, Hanji was still messing in the water with everyone else. As I made my way to my stuff I noticed Levi laying on the grass reading quietly ''Hey sir'' I chirped to him, picking up a towel and wrapping it around me ''Hello Y/N, how was the water?'' Levi sighed not taking his eyes off the book he held. ''It was fun, it's a good temperature'' I looked down to everyone laughing and splashing in the lake. Levi sat up putting the book away before shuffling next to me ''why don't you get in? even sit at the side and watch everyone corporal?'' I asked him watching Mikasa follow Eren everywhere like a lost puppy making me giggle lightly. ''What's the point of getting wet?'' He replied ''It's for fun and you get to forget about everything and just concentrate on the present'' you answered before standing up un-wrapping the towel putting your hand out for Levi to take ''come with me Levi it's not as bad as you think it is! Plus I found a secret part nobody else knows about'' you giggled before he nodded, taking your hand and helping him up ''I'm going to change behind a shitty tree or something, don't need some random brat seeing me naked'' your face flushed pink slightly before nodding telling him you would wait for him.

You were only there for a few seconds before Levi walked out from behind a few bushes holding his folded uniform and placing them down next to his book, he wore a black and white swimming trunks. Making his way towards me it didn't take long for me to notice his unbelievably chiseled chest, I smiled to him before gently getting his hand leading him down to the lake and hopping in ahead, it didn't take long for Levi to casually walk into the water before swimming over to me ''so where is this so-called 'secret part' that you're on about Y/N?'' Levi clicked his tongue ''follow me Corporal I shall show you the way!'' you exclaimed softly swimming towards a small opening to the far end of the lake, Levi followed you into a beautiful cornered off section.

Grass filled with flowers and trees with bright green leaves swayed in the breeze, the sun peeking in through some uncovered parts of the leaves and branches of the trees, the water glistening from the bright light being cast onto it. You turned around to Levi watching him go ahead looking around at the scene before him. You grinned before joining him and resting against the side of the little lake looking towards him.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I never expected this little part of the shitty lake to look so.. nice. Y/N definitely knows where to find the good parts in nature, I smirk thinking about telling her my feelings for her turning around not seeing her where she was earlier I began to panic silently ''oi Y/N?'' I called out, no response making my eyes squint ''Y/N I swear if I catch you hiding on me you're dead'' I continue to look around me trying to catch her until I felt a presence from behind me, I look over my shoulder seeing Y/N smirk lightly while she wraps her arms around my waist her fingers running over my chest.

// Your P.O.V \

I snuck up from behind him and wrapped my arms around Levi gently, my fingers caressing his abs while he looked over his shoulder at me causing me to smirk mischievously. ''Sneaky little thing aren't you?'' Levi teased turning around to me and immediately captured my lips in a kiss causing me to turn bright red. I looked up at him ''fuck it.. I like you brat'' Levi gently smiled, I instantly hug him ''I like you too Levi''.

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