Levi x Crush!Embarrassed!Reader ~ Maid

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Request: Hanji making the reader (Who Levi has a crush on) Dress in a sexy French maid outfit and She shows him 😂

Warning: Cursing


You were heading out of the HQ for the day with Hanji to go shopping, well, you would rather go shopping than being forced to scrub the halls and run laps by Levi so you agreed to go with the elder woman.

Oh, how you regretted it.

Hanji had forced you to buy a short little sexy French Maid outfit which you were furious over. She said if you didn't get it she'd tell Levi about your feelings for him, so, thinking you avoided a complete catastrophe you bought the little kinky outfit. The shopkeeper wiggled their eyebrows at you before you left the shop trailing behind Hanji, you had a bad feeling about this.

// Time Skip - An Hour Later \

I rode my horse through the gates of the HQ, holding my shopping bags as well as the reigns of my horse I trotted over to the stables and brought my stallion into his pen. Climbing off of him I made sure I had everything before leaving the pen and shutting the gate behind me, walking out of the stables I strolled across the empty training grounds towards one of the back entrances to the HQ.

Soon walking in it took a few minutes to finally reach my room, opening the door I sighed with relief until an evil giggle made my eyes go wide. Snapping my gaze to my bed sat Hanji with a mischievous grin, squinting my eyes at her I shut my door and sat at my desk.

''What is it Hanji? If it's about that outfit I swear..'' I warn the brown haired female as she snickers at me. Scowling I place down the bags and begin to unpack the stuff and put the clothes away, I was about to put the maid outfit in my closet but Hanji called me. ''Oh Y/N!'' she sang playfully to me, turning to her I raise an eyebrow ''what?'' I question as she laughs inwardly. ''Don't think about putting it away, you're going to wear that for the rest of the day~'' she smirked as my face dropped. ''WHAT! FUCK NO!'' I screech in panic as she chuckles ''so you want Levi to know about your little crush on him?'' she asks, sighing I shake my head before she abruptly shoved me into my bathroom with the maid outfit. ''Don't think about coming out if you don't have that outfit on or else I'll go straight to Levi~!'' she commented.

Grumbling I knew there was no way of winning against her, walking out of the bathroom a few minutes later with the sleeveless maid outfit, it didn't even reach my knees and the bottom was very frilly it left my collarbone exposed and barely covered my breasts, only covering them by one or two inches. I wore kneehigh stockings with small black flats. Glaring at the woman she squeals before grasping my hand in hers and bolts out of my bedroom into the corridor. ''HANJI LET ME GO! STOP! SOMEONE WILL SEE! YOU MAD WOMAN!'' I scream trying to get out of the woman's iron grip but failing miserably.

I knew where she was heading by the sounds of voices from another part of the corridor since they were slowly getting louder and louder, taking a swift turn we stop and stand in front of an entire group of scouts which all of them I knew, it was Eren and the others... even the Captain. Some of them stopped to look and some began whispering, Levi looked between me and Hanji before grumbling and walking over pulling down the cloth from over his mouth, Levi had a faint pink hue on his cheeks as he approached us.

''Four-eyes is this why you brought Y/N out? To get her into some kinky outfit?'' Levi says looking over the outfit making me flush a bright red and nervously rub my forearm, Hanji hums in confirmation before sending me a wink. ''Well Captain, she's in the right outfit to clean wouldn't you say? You said you needed someone to clean your office earlier well guess who's available?'' Hanji nudged my side smirking as Levi clicked his tongue, his gaze finally meeting my own.

''Y/N you heard the woman, I need you to clean my office so you might as well get started, I'll be in there in a few minutes'' Levi says, nodding swiftly I turn around and disappear around the corner to find Levi's office.

// Time Skip - 15 Minutes Later \

I was cleaning Levi's desk, currently bent over it to get to the other side because I really didn't fancy walking or moving around in this outfit. It was so uncomfortable in every way possible, biting my lip I scrub furiously at his desk, soon hearing the door click open and close I turn my head and see Levi walk in with his cleaning attire still on. 'Damn Hanji... damn that woman and her titans... She'll pay for making me wear this... I probably look weird in this, when can I get the fuck out of it?' I mentally groaned returning my gaze to the desk in front of me. ''Y/N how did four-eyes manage to get you to wear that?'' Levi asked crossing his arms as he stood next to his desk watching me desperately scrub away at the invisible dirt. ''She threatened me'' you muttered as Levi rose an eyebrow.

''You're telling me you got threatened by shitty glasses?'' he asked, nodding you didn't dare look up to him as you felt your cheeks burn from being flustered. ''What will I ever do with you Y/N? You let yourself get threatened by Hanji'' he said making me bite my lip, shrugging hoping he'll change the subject.

''Then again.. I like this little outfit on you, it fits you'' Levi smirks seeing my face explode into a dark blush as I stay silent.

''T-Thank you sir..''

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