Jealous!Levi x Reader ~ Attack On Horror Movie

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Request: Modern day AOT where Levi and (y/n) go see a scary movie with the others and Armin who is sitting next to (y/n) gets so scared he accidentally grabs her hand and Levi gets jealous 😈

A/N: I actually laughed thinking about this lmao

Warnings: Jealous Levi lmao


You had been planning this day for weeks, a day where you and your group of friends could go to the cinema to see a newly released horror movie you all had been dying to see.

You slipped your phone into your handbag and met up with everyone who was waiting patiently for the last few remaining people to arrive, you, of course, being one of the last since you couldn't find the right outfit. ''Hey guys!'' you grinned to your group of pals while noticing Hanji and Erwin even came! ''hey Y/N! excited for this spooky movie?'' Jean smirked ''oh yes I am excited for this spooky movie'' you joked. Noticing Levi talking to Erwin making you smile lightly at your boyfriend. Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie finally arrived and you all went inside to get your snacks.

Leading the way into the theatre room excitedly you noticed it was empty meaning you and your friends could have it for yourselves making you cheer out loud. Everyone went to get their seats and you sat beside Levi, at your other side was Armin, then Eren, then Mikasa. ''Didn't think you would actually come'' you said to Levi looking over to him, he shrugged his shoulders while taking a sip of his drink. ''I had no plans for today so I might as well spend it with you hm?'' Levi responded making you smile before the lights started to dim to darkness. You could hear Jean and Reiner cheer a few rows above you making you giggle lightly. Levi put his drink down seeing your excited face before the movie began.

// Time skip - Halfway through the movie \

You jumped slightly at a jump-scare, hearing some of your friends yelp from behind you as well. Levi didn't budge, it was as if he watched this movie a hundred times already. Shortly after another jump-scare happened with loud music making more people jump and make surprising noises from behind you. This scare caused poor Armin to yelp loudly and grab onto your hand un-intentionally, you covered your eyes with your free hand visibly trembling from fright. Levi noticed this and gently pulled your hand down ''oi scary part's over now-'' he stopped immediately after noticing Armin holding your hand tightly, frowning he pecked your cheek pretending not to notice.

Levi kept continuously glancing at your and Armin's hands, it was slowly starting to piss him off until he grunted loudly catching your attention making you turn to your boyfriend who was frowning furiously, you quietly whispered in his ear ''babe you alright?'' Levi looked to you before hesitantly nodding and pecking your lips.

Soon enough Armin let go of your hand mumbling a little sorry, you waved it off laughing lightly. This put Levi to rest but he still kept an eye on you during the movie so you wouldn't actually freak out incase another scary scene appeared.

Feeling your heart thump in your chest didn't help either, one of the characters in the movie was in a dark room alone then they started to hear scratching against wood. The scratching sound slowly got louder until a killer jumped out from behind them stabbing them violently. You forced a brave face and mentally kept repeating 'it's only a movie calm down Y/N..', The movie shortly ended with the last two characters who had a crush on each other life, the ending scene being them confessing then kissing. You heard Hanji let out a loud 'Awee...' and you couldn't help but say it quietly too.

Soon enough, the lights flickered on and all of you had to collect your stuff and leave, dropping your empty cup into the bin on the way out you walked alongside Levi, gently holding his hand you smiled at him. Departing from all your friends you and Levi decided you should have a pizza night at yours.

And that's what you did.

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