Soulmate!Levi x Soulmate!Reader ~ Lovers

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Request: Levi×s/o soulmate au where they write on their skin and it shows up on the other and they just use it to talk to eachother like "I'm leaving now be home soon" "I'm safe, I love you" "dont forget to buy bread" "PLEASE wash the sheets" ect. And like maybe hanji doesnt know that shorty met his soulmate so when she finally sees it she freaks out because the hasn't met his soulmate? Or something. (I'm a slut for levi soulmate au's) I love your writing sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm kinda liking the new Tumblr homepage thing I think it's cool lol

Warning: Cursing


// Flashback \

You never thought soulmates were real until a mysterious splatter of ink appeared one morning on your arm, this caused some massive confusion on how you randomly got ink on your skin but you shrugged it off after a while of trying to figure out how it happened.

Until one day you wrote on the back your hand, the time for training which Levi was holding later on in the day. A couple hours later you noticed some other writing that didn't belong to you "who the fuck is this that keeps writing shit on their hand? it's incredibly hard to scrub off so can you not?" the message made you laugh lightly before the message actually went through your mind, swiftly grabbing a pen you write on your upper arm "guess who, captain :)" with a proud smirk coloring in the smiley face.

// Flashback End \

It's been three years since you found out you were Levi's soulmate and you couldn't be more happy, seperated during work? Don't worry a little message will appear on your arm soon. You and Levi even had casual conversations writing forward and back to one another.

One day you were out shopping while he was at your small home resting, the Scouts had a two-week holiday to relax and visit their families so you and Levi turned back to normal citizens for those two weeks.

You were walking through the market holding a bag of clothes you bought for yourself and Levi earlier and now you were going off to get some food. Walking to a secluded area of the markets you whipped out your pen that you kept on you in case something was wrong and pulled up your sleeve.

"What food do I need to get, anything we need?" you wrote using as little space as possible, a few seconds passed and you saw Levi's reply "Bread, butter and tea leaves ( if you can get them) xx". Smiling softly to yourself you took a mental note of what you needed "alright thanks, be back in a bit xxx" you responded before putting your pen away you brought back down your sleeve and continued on with your shopping.

You soon enough got all three things, even buying another little box of tea leaves for Levi and now you were walking back with two light bags. Arriving outside your shared house you made your way in through the front door "Levi I'm back and I got you some stuff!" you called out to him, hearing shuffling from upstairs you figured he might have been in his little office he had.

Strolling into the kitchen you placed the clothes bag down and brought the food one over to the counter and began unpacking the food away, leaving Levi's boxes of tea to the side. Hearing the soft padding of feet coming down the stairs you hummed quietly to yourself as you finished unpacking the food. Soon feeling warm arms sneak around your waist and a light weight on your shoulder you giggled as Levi cuddled into you, pecking your neck with kisses making you smile.

Letting out a short chuckle Levi squeezed you slightly tighter for a split second seeing the two tea boxes sitting on the counter in front of you both. "You're going to spoil me one of these days" he says into your ear as you smirk "well I have to treat you every now and then don't I? Oh! That reminds me! I got us both some new clothes while I was out" you turn to look to Levi as he nods watching you go over to the bag of clothes.

// Time Skip \

The two week holiday was over and now it was back to normal, even though you did miss that little holiday not working your ass off 24/7. Standing next to Hanji as you watched Eren and Jean fight again, yawning you stretched your arms upwards revealing some of your arm.

Hanji quickly caught on to the little writing on your arm and looked at you curiously. "Y/N is that writing on your arm?" she asked, immediately letting your arms drop to your sides you violently shook your head at the Section Commander. Eyes squinting at your shorter form she suddenly took your arm and pulled up the sleeve making you shriek from the sudden action.

Reading over the messages Hanji's jaw dropped, her eyes sparkled in curiosity as she looked over the little notes.

"When will you be available? xx"

"Tonight around seven, why? something wrong? xxx"

"No, I just want to see you. You should stay over tonight xx"

"Sounds good to me, see you then xx"

Squealing loudly, Hanji had a wide grin on her face as she began to bombarde you with questions. "Oh Y/N I never knew you had a soulmate! What are they like have you both met before?" she asked excitedly, completely confused on how to answer you just looked at the scientist in concern.

"Uh... I'll tell you later alright? I need to go do something" you make up an excuse as Hanji nods her head, letting your arm go she watches you walk off in the opposite direction.

You arrived at Levi's office, opening his door you came face to face with him. "Oh hey Levi! I was just about to come and tell you something... Where are you going?" you ask following him out of his office, looking over his shoulder to you he raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to the mess hall for dinner, what did you want to tell me?" Levi responded as you walked alongside him "Hanji spotted the message earlier, she knows I'm with someone but she doesn't know it's you" you tell him watching him nod.

"Alright, not raise suspicion.. Sit with Eren and your friends like usual, if you were to sit with me four-eyes would find out and the news will spread like wildfire" Levi says glancing to you. Both arriving outside the closed doors of the mess hall Levi stops making you stop as well, gently cupping your cheeks Levi kissed your lips softly before pulling away. "Now, I'll go in first, you know how she is when she sees us together" he said referring to Hanji as you nod watching him gain back his emotionless face and walk in letting the door shut behind him.

You waited a couple of seconds before you walked in, trailing down the small set of stairs into the mess hall you proceeded to get your food and sit with your friends. "Hey Y/N" Jean greets as you smile at him sitting next to Mikasa who nods to you in greeting. "Hey guys, how is everyone?" you ask taking a bite out of your bread soon earning all sorts of answers from your friends.

As time ticked on you soon finished your food, jumping from fright slightly as an ear ripping squeal echoes around the mess hall, snapping your worried gaze to where it came from your orbs landed on Hanji who was examining Levi's arm as he glared at her. Standing up the scientist looked around the mess hall "Y/N get over here!" she called out, sighing you tried to become less noticable until Jean roughly stamped his heel on your foot making you shoot up in pain.

"oW DAMMIT HORSE FACE!" you cursed to him as he snickered, feeling a grasp of a hand around your wrist you spun around and came face to face with Hanji who smiled widely at you. "You can't keep secrets from me Y/N~! Now you two! Lets go and chat about this 'cause I need all the details!" Hanji screeched in delight, noticing she had Levi's wrist in a grip as well he pinched his nose and sighed at the woman as your cheeks lit up like fire.

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