Levi x Cat!Reader ~ Feline Friend

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Warning: Cursing

Summary: Levi takes care of you when you are turned to a cat by Hanji's terrible experiment

F/C - Fur color

E/C - Eye Color


I sat on a stool Hanji instructed me to sit on whilst she went into another small room connected to her lab to get something. Silently humming to myself I gaze around the room, shelves stacked with books, a desk at the far side of the room littered with undone paperwork, some scienc-y equipment scattered around on the smaller tables in the room as I sat all in the middle of it with a confused expression.

Soon enough, I hear a door shut, looking over my shoulder Hanji sent me a gentle smile wearing her lab coat whilst holding some boiling tubes in her arms filled with strange colorful liquids. ''Alright my dear Y/N ready to start?'' she grinned to me uncapping one of the tubes. Hesitantly nodding ''well I don't have much of a choice do I?'' I joke making her chuckle as she handed me the tube, motioning for me to drink it.

Inspecting it for a few seconds I poured all the liquid in my mouth and swallowed before raising my eyebrow to her. Hanji had one of those looks, the look when she spots a very interesting titan or when she sees Eren in titan form. ''What was that by the way?'' I asked causing her to laugh as her grin widened, feeling a wave of drowsy-ness I yawn as Hanji takes a mental note of everything she waved me off not answering my question.

''Well.. I'm feeling tired... If you need anything Section-Commander you know where to find me'' I say getting up and stretching, nodding Hanji shoo'd me out of her lab before shutting the door in my face. 'Rude? Alright time for a nap!' I thought eager to get some rest as I walked to my room.

// Time Skip \

Waking up I snuggled more into my pillow, yawning I opened my eyes before stretching. What I didn't expect were two fluffy paws, eyes widening I turn looking over my shoulder, my entire being has been coated in cat fur and I had a tail!? Growling I attempted to shout ''FUCKING HANJI!'' but it ended up in being a vicious yowl. Sighing inwardly I hopped off my bed taking once last glance at the uniform that lay there bundled up in a mess.

I tried to push my door open but that ended up in my slamming my body against it and wincing from the slight pain. Groaning from the frustration I looked up to the locked door with no hope 'why did I fucking lock my door? God I'm a paranoid bitch..' I scold myself mentally before gazing around my room, my feline E/C orbs eventually landing on my window that was open.

Smiling, or at least trying I jumped back up to my bed and proceeded to my window sill where I opened the window up more for me to squeeze past. Finally getting outside I sat against the window pane looking around until noticing Levi's office a few rooms down 'he should help me right?' I thought beginning my small adventure. Thank whichever god it is for giving this building a slight ledge against the wall, scurrying over I arrive outside his very large window, the curtains opened inside as Levi sat at his desk, his back facing me as he read a novel.

Flicking my tail side to side I began to gently paw and hit the window letting out small meows. Eventually gaining the Captain's attention he tore his piercing gaze away from the novel to look at his window expecting a cadet to be throwing stones at it but instead he was met with an F/C cat gazing back at him with adorable E/C eyes. I could tell he sighed before he pulled himself up out of his comfortable looking chair before opening the window to me. Backing off a little I meowed quietly watching Levi. 'I mean he could just shove me off the 3rd floor of HQ if he wanted so I gotta be careful..' I thought as Levi put his hand out to me attempting to make it look like he wasn't a threat. ''Where the fuck did you come from?'' he asked out to me, purring lightly I walked to him and nuzzled my furry head into the palm of his hand earning a chuckle. Soon enough after he finished rubbing behind my ears he brought me inside.

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