Levi x Affectionate!Reader ~ Sleep

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Request: AHHH CONGRATS ON 300 FOLLOWERS!!! You not only deserve it, you deserve the many more I know you will gain because your writing is a m a zing AND you're super sweet and awesome💕💕💕 Ummm may I have Levi reacting to his S/O peppering kisses across his face while he's "sleeping" (lord knows the man probably doesn't rest anyways) in his chair? again congrats on your your follower milestone I look forward to seeing you gain more :D💕💕💕

Oh my god you're so sweet! Thank you thank you thank you!! ❤❤

Warning: None


You sat across from Levi at his desk, he was currently sleeping and you decided to finish his paperwork for him so he won't be that stressed when he wakes up. ''Finish the papers for my boyfriend, he'll be happy.. That's a good thing..'' you say softly. Levi was currently sitting in his chair, his uniform still on minus the jacket and boots. He had his arms loosely crossed over his chest as he rested his head back against the back of the large chair. Smiling at the cute sight you began on his paperwork while he got rest which he rarely got.

An hour or two later you had finished the last page, Levi shifted slightly in his chair. ''Heh.. cute..'' you commented smiling fondly at him before averting your gaze around the room. Yawning you were confused on what to do, glimpsing back to Levi an idea flared in your head.

Standing up silently you picked up your chair and brought it around his desk and gently set it next to Levi's. Slipping off your jacket and boots you brought your knees up to your chest as you turned on your side facing your sleeping boyfriend. ''I love you Levi..'' you muttered quietly, leaning over you began to delicately peck his face with kisses careful not to wake him.






''Grumpy clean freak... so cute..'' you continue peppering his face with gentle kisses, soon laying your head on his shoulder. Closing your eyes you inhaled his god-like scent and drifted into a deep slumber.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I sat in my chair quietly resting, one of the few rare times I actually have to rest. Y/N was across from me doing god-knows-what, hearing the shuffling of papers gained my attention but I decided not to budge. ''Finish the papers for my boyfriend, he'll be happy... That's a good thing..'' Y/N says quietly, I fought against the smile that tried to pry itself onto my lips and I successfully won, Y/N picked up the quill and began to work.

Some time passed and I heard her stretch, adding the last page to the pile. ''Heh.. cute..'' she comments after I shift slightly. 'Y/N must think I'm sleeping..' I mentally note, a yawn escapes her lips and not so long after I hear her pick up the chair and place it next to mine. 'What is she doing?' I question inwardly.

''I love you Levi'' Y/N mutters before placing her lips on different parts of my face, her touch was gentle yet.. passionate. I could just jump at her right here and right now taking her by surprise, but, for some reason.. I chose not to.


She pecks my cheek


She pecks my nose


She pecks my lips

''Grumpy clean freak... so cute..'' she continues before laying her head on my shoulder, not long after Y/N's light snores fill my office as I creak open an eye looking down to her peaceful form. Planting a kiss to her head I wrap an arm around her and carefully bring her up onto my lap letting her snuggle into my chest.

''I love you too Y/N''

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