Headcanon #14

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× Levi as a father ×

× Levi is the most patient parent you've ever laid eyes on

× His calm and chill attitude can immediately stop your crying baby once they are in his arms

× Expect a lot of questions about the Survey Corps from your kid

× Levi would bring back a looking cool rock if it for his son when on expeditions

× And if he had a daughter he would make sure to bring back only the most beautiful flowers to her

× Gladly helps with homework

× While cooking dinner you can hear Levi tell the child some stories

× God help anyone who dares to pick on his child

× Levi would bring your child to see the horses in the stables since they really like the big animals

× Of course Levi introduced his own horse to his child first

× As the child grows up they begin to talk about becoming a Scout

× You were scared for them if they were to join but you know they would be well looked after

× If you have a teenage daughter Levi will be keeping an eye on every boy she talks to

× Overprotective much

× If your son/daughter were to get a boyfriend Levi would be alright with it as long as the boyfriend follows some rules

× Makes it obvious to the boyfriend if they hurt his child he hurts them

× I mean you wouldn't want Humanities Strongest hunting you down would you?

× Didn't think so

× Levi is very supportive of his children no matter what and would try help them as much as he can

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