Husband!Levi x Reader ~ Small Treat

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Request: can you please do a oneshot where the reader and levi are married and the reader brings him lunch and i just want something funny to happen

Warning: Cursing


You had been cleaning for the entirety of yesterday, the little home you shared with your husband Levi was spotless since you have the weekend off you thought you'd go home for Friday and Saturday and return back to HQ on Sunday. Smelling the delicious cookies you had made especially for your husband, a little treat to nibble on when he got picky you managed to make little titan cookies for Levi. He was stuck with training new cadets and paperwork so he couldn't join you and stubbornly made you get out of the HQ and enjoy your weekend since you were excited to go to your home again.

Packing the multiple different titan cookies in a small container you went up to your bedroom to get ready for HQ, soon coming back down with everything done and ready you swiped the small container off the kitchen counter and proceeded out your front door. Locking it behind you-you walked to the small horse stables for both of your horses if you brought them home, gently taking the reigns of your horse you led her out of her stall and closed it behind you.

Climbing on her back you made your way to the HQ, arriving in through the gates half an hour later you brought your horse to the stables and set her in one before happily making your way back into HQ. A smile took over your lips as you walked through the hallways, greeting your friends as you passed and eventually arrived at Levi's office. Without knocking, you walked in holding the little container behind your back as Levi prepared to shout at whoever walked in without permission, upon seeing you he let a small smile slip. ''Welcome back, what are you holding?'' he asked sitting back in his chair as you strolled over to his desk, placing the little container on his desk you nudged it towards him as he quirked an eyebrow. Picking it up and opening it he chuckled picking up a titan cookie ''really?'' he snickered inspecting it.

''Yep, really, time to turn the tables here cap! Now we eat the titans!'' you giggle as he passed you an abnormal looking one. Catching it you broke off one of its legs and popped it into your mouth. 'Damn these taste better than last time.. Here you have it humanity, I am now 'Humanities Greatest Chef' you thought watching Levi's satisfied face as he ate the treat. Humming he nodded at you ''that was great Y/N how do you cook so well?'' Levi asks taking another one. ''Oh I don-'' you were cut off when the door slammed open making you jump a little.

''ARE THOSE COOKIES I SMELL?!'' Sasha and Hanji said in sync making you slightly concerned. ''Wait what?'' you asked but they came in, Hanji squealed seeing the titan shaped cookies and Sasha looked like she was about to drool. Levi frowned ''Oi what the fuck are you two doing?'' he growled, suddenly Sasha grabbed the container and bolted out the door soon followed by Hanji who was cheering her on down the hallway. Levi looked like he was about to strangle someone, standing up he patted your head lightly. ''I'll go get them fuck-faces and get the cookies back'' he said before leaving the office leaving you in a confused state.

// Time Skip \

Levi had been gone for a while now and you were currently walking around the HQ not knowing what to do. You turned a corner and heard a loud shout coming from the other end, eyes darting ahead you saw Hanji running as fast as she could as Levi bounded after her dragging Sasha along the floor behind him and his face screamed bloody murder. ''FOUR-EYES HAND THEM THE FUCK OVER NOW!'' he screamed towards the scientist who had just spotted you, looking over her shoulder she shouted a 'No shorty!' back towards him.

Next second you felt Hanji's body clash with your own, especially with the speed she was going at, she dropped the cookies. Eyes widening you desperately reached out for the container as they fell, Hanji had tripped over you and landed on her face groaning from pain into the stone floor. Landing on your side with a groan of pain you looked ahead seeing the cookies all broken up. Levi dropped Sasha and knelt beside you ''you alright?'' he asked as you nodded, forcefully kicking Hanji's thigh with a frustrated growl as you looked back to your now wasted treats for your husband.

Levi swore he felt his heart drop to his stomach when you had the most upset expression he ever saw you make, thus making him even angrier since they upset you. Kissing your forehead he stood up and grabbed both Hanji and Sasha by their collars, dragging them down the opposite way down the hallway. ''I'll be back in a while!'' he called out to behind him.

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