Levi x Underground!Reader ~ I Missed You

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Request: heyy!! happy new years💖 could you write a scenario in which levi's s/o was his childhood friend in the underground amd she promised levi that she'll never take the same job as his mother did but when levi left with farlan and isabelle she was heartbroken and when hanji and erwin drag levi to a brothel he finds her and there's angst,,thank u💕

Thanks for the New Years wishes! ❤ Sorry this was late I've been a bit busy lately


// Flashback \

You met Levi when you were both young, seeing a loud massive crowd of men cheering and calling out to some boy who was shouting and beating the life out of an elder man made your eyebrow raise in curiousness, gently pushing your way through the crowd of passer-by's you watched the boy relentlessly bet the man to a pulp before leaving him on the filthy ground. The mysterious boy looked around for someone then stand still, his face faltered as he watches someone walk away with their hands in their pockets until he continued to look around at the crowd who cheered for him. The boy's eyes landed onto your own E/C ones making you become a shy mess you smiled letting your hands fall to your sides as you blinked innocently.

As the crowd started to disappear the young champion made his way to you offering a kind smile ''I saw you watching the fight earlier.. My name's Levi'' the boy now known as Levi held his hand out to you as you gently took it and softly shook it ''m-my name is Y/N.. you have quite the impressive skills Levi'' you complimented as a pink blush tinted your cheeks. You looked to Levi ''have you anywhere to go?'' you asked lightly fiddling with the hem of your sleeves ''uhm.. no do you..?'' Levi responded looking over your childlike features ''I managed to find a little house, only I use it.. nobody else you can live with me if you would like?'' you offered as your eyes sparkled with hope.

''Yeah sure, I bet it wouldn't be bad'' Levi agreed as you motioned for him to follow you.

// 4 Years Later \

You dashed down the streets of the underground following Levi as you held onto the food you had just stolen, your laughter filling the air as Levi looked back seeing your content face as you ran back with him to your 'home'. The shopkeeper's shouts were still heard in the distance as you both got further and further from them.

You arrived at your temporary home, resting the food and materials on the table as you stretched, Levi had disappeared into his room for a few minutes. You sat down on your clean couch, Levi had recently gotten into the habit of cleaning and making sure everything was spotless, he would clean and you would go out to get stuff you or him needed so it was a win-win. Reaching over and taking a slice of bread you began to eat it while Levi came back out of his room joining you on the couch. Silence comfortably filled the place as you both ate ''Levi?'' you asked ''yes Y/N?'' he answered ''you want to play a game?'' you piped after finishing the slice of bread, saving the rest of the loaf for later-on. ''What type of game hm?'' Levi finished his slice before dusting himself off and turning to you ''we've known each other for years now and we live together! We're like best friends, we don't we tell secrete stuff about ourselves?'' you grinned to the teenager sitting beside you ''tch fine'' Levi responded laying back into the couch.

''I'll go first'' you started crossing your legs ''I'm not actually supposed to be in the underground'' you said lightly watching Levi's gaze falter ''what do you mean Y/N?'' Levi quizzed ''my father brought me down for business because my mother was at work and he had nowhere to leave me so he just brought me with him, I ended up getting lost and I couldn't find my father then'' you fiddled with your thumbs ''that all happened two weeks before I met you'' a smile came to your face when you mentioned Levi. ''What wall did you come from originally?'' Levi asked in a confused manner ''I came from Wall Rose'' you stated before lightly nudging him ''I've had my turn now it's yours!'' you smiled to Levi who shook his head pleasantly.

''My mother.. she passed away when I was four... she was a prostitute and she got sick'' Levi muttered looking to the floorboards, you moved over to him and hugged him ''I'm guessing you don't want to play this anymore?'' you asked softly, Levi nodded '' I can promise you, Levi I will never work as a prostitute even if it means for me to live I refuse to become one'' you put him at ease.

'Me and Levi met amazing people during our lives in the underground, Isabel and Farlan were by far our favorites as we both let them in and we became an unstoppable squad with big dreams.

Levi and I got closer and closer leading to our first confession and kiss, we thought things could never get better.. We were wrong..

The day after the kiss Isabel and Farlan didn't come home.. neither did Levi

I stayed up for nights and days hoping the trio would walk back into our little comfortable home, hoping to hear Isabel's lively voice and Levi's annoyed grunt at her along with Farlan calling out to see if I'm home

But they didn't'

// Present Time \

I sat on the leather couch next to my co-workers waiting for clients to come walking back on in. Yes, you heard it.. clients since I was left alone by Levi and the others I decided to pack up and leave since they left without a goodbye. Now the only chance I get for living is to become one of them, I worked in a disgusting brothel where drunken and filthy men would stamper on in and have fun. It was either starving to death or finding somewhere to live and get fed, of course, my luck was against me and this hell was the only place that was looking for employees. I hate the thought and fact of it, I promised to Levi I would never work in a place like this but Levi is gone so I only have to look out for number one which is, of course, me since I got nobody else.

My outfit was quite revealing since the manager refused to let us wear something more comfortable and less revealing, we had no choice to listen to the manager.

I sat lost in thought resting my chin on the palm of my hand as I cocked my arm up from my knee, staring down to the dusty floor. I heard chatter coming from the main room where the main doors were at. Tuning into the conversation I heard someone introduce themselves as Erwin Smith..? He was the commander of the Scouting Legion why would he be down here? I soon hear a cheer and a womanly voice ''Oh shorty we'll find her don't worry!'' I raised my eyebrow before sitting back against the leather sofa in a world of my own. I failed to notice the doors open from the main room and seeing the Commander cautiously walk in followed by a woman with brown hair, lively eyes along with goggles. And a short looking man with raven hair immediately reminding me of Levi. ''Tch shitty glasses I told you she promised me she would never work in one of these filthy places'' the voice said angrilly. I perked up looking over to the little group and recognize the raven-haired man as Levi.

I felt my face pale as I caught his gaze, his eyes widening ever so slightly while he doesn't hesitate to march over to me silently. ''Y/N..? Levi carefully asks kneeling down in front of me. ''Hello Levi..'' I avoid his gaze, looking away ''why are you here, more like, why are you working here?'' Levi asked frowning lightly, I shook my head ''why do you care? you basically aren't even involved in my life anymore'' I spat back at him ''Y/N you promised me you would never become a fucking prostitute what fucking made you change your mind about it?'' Levi growled ''Why do you care Levi? You left me! You and the others abandoned me! Leaving me to starve! If I were to live I had to start working here! It's not like you would care anyway so why don't you leave this shit-hole already?'' I cried out seeing him visibly flinch. ''Y/N we didn't have a choice, I was hoping to get you out of here earlier but I couldn't... Isabel and Farlan.. They're dead..'' Levi spoke quietly while grasping your hand in his. ''They died on the first expedition they went on, I had nobody except for you Y/N please'' Levi looked like he was about to cry and my face softened ''I haven't been here long.. Only one or two days, I usually hid myself so no dirty pervert would find me so..'' I mumbled seeing a smile grace Levi's lips. ''I ditched the house and before I came here I would live in alleyways'' I finished.

Levi nodded before jumping in and kissing my lips hungrily I squeaked before kissing him back. Hanji squealed in the distance at the little scene, Levi pulled away gently whispering ''come with us Y/N.. you'll be safe'' I eagerly nod before hugging him again, a smile adorned my lips.

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