(132): Bad Dreams

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There's been more requests for Wasabi, & I kinda wanted a Wasabi x Reader where they're married-- so I decided to write a short one shot for you guys. ^-^ Enjoy.

It's almost four in the morning. You lay in bed, curled up in a tight ball. Your blanket is held close against you, your hands clenched into tight fists around it.

"N-No," You mumble. "No, please."

Your husband, Wasabi, opens his eyes. Were you awake? He props himself up on one elbow, listening.

"Stop," You whisper. You shake your head. "Stop." You bury your face into your fluffy pillow. "Stop! Stop!"

"___!" Wasabi whispers in a panic. He shakes your shoulders. "___, honey, wake up!"

You gasp and turn around on your back. Your breathing is heavy, your eyes watering.

"___, are you okay?" Wasabi asks. You wipe the sweat off of your forehead. "Was it a nightmare?"

"Um, yeah. I'm okay," You whisper.

"Are you sure?" He asks.


"Do you want to talk about it?"

You think for a minute. "No. It seems pretty stupid now. Not even really scary, now that I think about it." You laugh a little.

Wasabi touches your cheek. "Okay. Get some sleep."

Wasabi lays back down and turns on his side, facing the opposite wall.

A few minutes later, you have yet to fall asleep. "Wasabi?" You ask.

"Hmm?" Wasabi lifts his head to look at you. "What is it?"

"Will you, um, hold me?" You ask in a small, trembling voice.

"Of course." He turns towards you and holds you close. "Not scary, huh?" He laughs quietly.

"Shut up," You mumble.

Wasabi laughs again and kisses your head. "It was just a bad dream. You're okay. You're okay."

You fall asleep, eased by his comforting words and strong arms.

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