(41): Bullied (Hiro)

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Okay, before anything I'd like to thank every single one of you reading this for reading this. Thank you for requesting and keeping this story going, thank you for the 101k reads-- like, seriously. I never thought that I would get that many. And somehow I managed to get 24 more followers just today who were all following me because of THIS story. And then 2.71k favorites? Guys. You rock. In case you didn't know.  Thank thank thank youuu all for everything. ^-^ Each and every one of you readers make me happy every day. <3
So anyways-- Hiro x Reader requested by The_Alternate_Side.
Enjoy. (Unedited).

Hiro wasn't sure if he liked SFIT as much as he'd thought he would. Sure, he had his friends and you. You were more than a friend to him. Neither of you had come out and said that you were a couple, but it was easy to see the love between the two of you when your fingers were entwined or his arms held you close against him. You went to SFIT as well, and enjoyed almost everything about it-- except the fact that Hiro was always picked on by the older students.

It was always the usual middle school kind of bullying- mean notes in his locker, rude comments and snickers in the hallway, paper wads thrown at his head in the middle of class. You found it extremely annoying and ridiculous, Hiro tried his best to push it away. Everyday he would tell you that it didn't bother him, that he was okay with everything they said and did. But you knew better. So, everyday, you would try to be near Hiro as much as possible.

"Good morning, Hiro," You say, walking over to his locker.

"Morning, ___," He says, grinning. "Still coming over today?"

"Of course," You say.

"Sweet." Hiro pulls out his notebook for his first class, Humanoid Construction and then shuts his locker. He reaches for your hand, which you take happily. Just before reaching your class, he kisses you on the forehead and then the lips. You blush and walk into your class, ignoring the murmurs of students.

On the way to Hiro's class, two guys decided to follow him. Hiro didn't even realize it- until they're fists met with his back and his face met the pavement face first. The guys laugh, congratulating each other as if hurting someone was like winning a sport.

Hiro stands up, wiping the blood from his lip. "What the heck?" He asks, staggering back, dizzy.

The guys laugh again and step forward, punching Hiro in the stomach and ribs until he falls to the ground. He cries out, in pain and fear, and holds his breath as the guys kick Hiro's limp body.

Around that time, you came out of your class to go to your locker, which happened to be in the same hall as Hiro. Wide eyed, you watch the guys kick him. Their laughter, his groans of pain. . . sent fury down your spine. You sprint over to them and slam all of your weight into one of the guys. He staggers back and pauses. "Stop! Get away from him!"

They laugh and shove you down. "Don't. . ." Hiro forces out. "Don't touch her."

"What are you going to do about it, boy?" The guy asks, picking you up by your arm and holding you against the wall. Hiro stares, eyes wide with fear. You shake your head and knee the guy in the stomach. He kneels over, holding his side. While he's down, you kick him in the chest. The other guy runs off to the exit of the building.

"Get up," You say through clenched teeth. The guy stares at you like you're crazy. Maybe you were crazy, but no one should think that it was okay to treat Hiro that way. "Get up!"

"What is your problem?" He asks.

"My problem?" You laugh and point to Hiro. "You think that this is okay? To hurt him? No one deserves that, except you." And with that, you punch his jaw and then kick his stomach before turning to Hiro.

"Whoa," Hiro says, barely sitting up against the wall.

You smile. "You okay?" You ask, kneeling beside him.

"Yeah," He says, breathless. "Are you?"

"Perfectly fine," you say, softly touching his busted lip. He winces.

"I can't believe my girlfriend could beat up two guys, but I couldn't."

You blush. Girlfriend. "It was only one guy, actually, and everyone knows that I'm the stronger one in the relationship."

"Yeah, well who's the super hero here?" He asks.

"You are," You say, kissing him softly. "You're also the most amazing boyfriend."

"I know," Hiro says with a smirk before kissing you on the forehead.

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