(160): Snowed In (Tadashi)

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Since there's a freaking blizzard where I live, I decided to write a few 'snowed in' one shots with the Big Hero 6 characters. ^-^ I hate the snow, but it's just impossible to think about summer. I think I'm starting to forget what summer feels like, haha.

"Thanks for coming over, ___," Tadashi says. "I know I didn't give you a warning."

"It's okay," You say to your best friend. He called you, asking for help on a robotics project. It's a snowy evening. You smile. Tadashi stands in the doorway, grinning. His crush on you was ridiculously crazy. "Um. Are you planning on inviting me in? It's kinda freezing out."

"Oh, right! Duh! I-I'm sorry." Tadashi blushes and you walk inside. "I'll just. . . go get my backpack. Just a sec."

Tadashi leaves you downstairs. Aunt Cass walks in the living room, Mochi at her heels. She carries a donut and a mug of tea. "Hey, ___. Didn't know Tadashi invited you over."

"Yup," You say. "Emergency project."

"Ah. Well, would you like a cup of tea?" She asks.

"No, thanks," You reply. "Maybe later."

"Okay." Aunt Cass smiles. She turns on the TV. The weather comes on. Cass takes a bite out of her donut. "Man, this weather's crazy, huh? Makes me stressed." She takes another bite.

Tadashi runs down the stairs. "Ready?"

"Mmhm," You hum.

"We'll be in the garage, Aunt Cass!" Tadashi calls.

"Okay. Have fun, kiddos!" She calls, her mouth full.

The garage has a freezing chill to it, even with the vents blasting heat. You rub your hands together as Tadashi takes out the blueprints for his new project. He goes on and on about these new ideas for hours. You help build parts, change ideas, and give him the support he needed.

Eventually, you decide that you should go home. "It's pretty late," You say.

Tadashi looks at the clock. "Oh. Yeah, it is. I'll drive you home."

Outside, the snow is up to your knees. It soaks into your jeans. You shiver as the wind bites your cheeks. Both Tadashi's scooter and Aunt Cass's car are buried in snow. The snow is falling heavily.

"Might as well come back inside, guys. You'll be here for a while," Cass calls from the doorway. "Come on. I popped some popcorn and made a few mugs of hot chocolate."

The five of you, Cass, You, Tadashi, Hiro, and Mochi, all crowd on the couch. You sip from the mug of hot chocolate. The mug warms up your freezing hands. A movie plays on the TV. Everyone is really into it, but you're just tired. You lay your head on Tadashi's shoulder and doze off.

A couple of hours later, Tadashi shakes you awake. He's standing up, leaving you cold again. "___," He whispers. "___, wake up."

"Hm?" You hum.

"Come on. It stopped snowing. I'm taking you home."

"No," You protest.

Tadashi laughs. "Yes. Come on, ___."

"No," You say again. You tug on his arm until he's beside you again. He falls on the couch. "I'm cold." You shiver and wrap your arms around him.

Tadashi sighs but doesn't protest. He rubs your arm and lays his head against yours. Tadashi falls asleep with you in his arms.

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