(131): Forgetting (Part One)

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Fred x Reader requested by midnightdragonfire. Enjoy. c:

You, five years old, lay on the light green grass outside. Fred, your best friend, lays beside you.
"Look!" He screams. "I see a superhero in the clouds!"
"Where?" You ask, squinting your eyes.
"There!" He points.
"I don't see."
"Right there! See? There's his cape, his strong arms. . ." Fred trails off with a sigh. "That'll be me, one day."
"A superhero?" You look over at him.
"Mmmhmm," Fred hums.
"What would be your power?" You ask.
"Dunno. Maybe-- the ability to turn into a fire-breathing lizard! At will!"
You laugh. "That'd be funny." Fred smiles at you. "Freddie, could I be your sidekick?"
"Duh! I couldn't do anything without my best friend by my side!" He slaps his hand against yours. He grabs your hand.
"What power would I have?"
"Dunno," Fred mumbles again. "Maybe you wouldn't have one. Some heroes don't, ya know."
"But. . . how would I keep the bad guys away from me?" You ask. "Or you?"
"I'm the hero, I can save you!" Fred grins.
"Promise?" You ask. Fred lifts your hand up with his, propping your elbow up on the grass.
"Promise," He states, shaking your hand.


You lay sprawled out on Fred's couch. The two of you preteens lazily play videogames silently. After a while, Fred asks, "Wanna try another?"
"Um, I'm kinda tired." You yawn. "Can we take a nap?"
"___, you know I'm always up for a nap." Fred leans his head back on the couch. You frown. The arm of the couch that you're using as a pillow is pretty uncomfortable. You lay your head on Fred's lap. He gives you a dirty look.
"You're disrupting my sleeping."
"Freddie, your couch is so darn uncomfortable," You complain. "I won't even bother your nap at all. Promise. I'm going right to sleep."
Fred sighs. "Oh, all right." He places one hand on your shoulder, absentmindedly tracing the stitches of your shirt sleeve with his fingers. You sigh with comfort and fall into a deep sleep.

Fred was your date to your first-ever school dance. The two of you were just best friends, but Fred promised to take you. The two of you ignore the music, concentrating on your handheld videogame console. You never fit in at school. Neither did Fred.
"Should we dance, Freddie?" You ask as a slow song plays.
"Do you want to?" He asks.
"Do you want to?" You push. Fred turns off his video game and takes yours out of your hands.
He pats your knee. "Sure."
He stands, holding his hand out. You smile and take it. He pulls you to the dance floor. His hands rest lightly on your waist, your hands on his shoulder. You two sway back and forth.
"Um, I-I was gonna tell you that you look very pretty today," Fred mumbles.
"You look very pretty, too, Freddie," You joke. Fred laughs.
A couple of kids kiss towards the end of the song. Fred looks over at them and then you. He leans in and kisses you quickly. You pull back at the same time he does. The two of you scowl. "Kissing is still gross," You say.
"Yeah. We should go back to my place."
"Can Heathecliffe pick us up in the family chopper?" You ask hopefully.
"I'm sure he can. I can order a pizza, too."
"Cool." You take Fred's hand. "Now let's get out of here. These heels are killing me."


Fred had been everything to you. Your best friend, your family, your supporter. You adored hanging out with him. He loved hanging out with you. Then, one day, about five years ago, your (mom/dad/guardian) told you that you were moving away from San Fransokyo.

It was a teary and heartbreaking goodbye. Fred hugged you tight at the airport, his eyes shut tightly. It wasn't very mature of him to cry. Not in public, at least. He promised you that he'd call and write letters. You promised him that you'd come back, one day.

You left. He wrote letters. He called. After a couple of months, after the summer, Fred's calls slowed. They were short and less frequent. Then, after a while, the calls stopped. You found yourself sitting on the couch after school, drumming your fingers in your legs and staring at the phone.

The letters stopped, too. Fred stopped talking to you. You lost your best friend. You felt so lost.

But that was five years ago. Today, you're moving back to San Fransokyo. You called Fred, but the line was disconnected. Guess he got a new number. Or he doesn't have a home phone anymore. You refuse to believe that he moved. He wouldn't do that without telling you, right?

You arrive in San Fransokyo and quickly move in. Your (mom/dad/guardian) tell you to go visit your new school, San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. You agree, taking the bus to the location. Upon arriving, you meet Honey Lemon, a chemistry student. She introduces you to everyone.

Hiro and Wasabi are nice. Baymax is just amazing and adorable. Go Go is cool.

"Oh!" Honey Lemon says. She bounces with every step. Her hand grips your wrist tightly. "You've got to meet Fred!"

"Okay," You mumble. Your heart skips a beat. There's no way it could be him, right?

"Fred!" Honey Lemon calls. She leads you to an armchair that holds a costumed boy. "Fred, meet ___!"

Fred lifts the top part of his kaiju suit head. "Hey, ___." Your eyes widen. The shoulder length hair. The blue eyes. The goofy grin. It is him.

"Fred," You gasp. He stands.

"Yup. That's me. School mascot by day, but by night-- I'm also the school mascot."

"Fred, I'm so glad to see you!" You launch forward and hug him. He staggers back.

"Um, yeah. . ." You freeze. He's not hugging back.

You pull away. "Freddie?" You ask. "Don't you. . . Don't you remember me?"

"Should I?" He asks, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

Your heart sinks. "Y-Yeah. I'm ___. You were my. . . my. . ." Your voice drops to a whisper. "Best friend."

"Sorry, ___. You must be thinkin' of someone else." He picks up his mascot sign. "I gotta go home. Um. Later."

He walks away, leaving you standing by his chair. You look at his comic book collection. This was him. You're not crazy. He's the Fred that was everything to you: your shoulder to cry on, your movie-watching buddy, your first kiss, your comic-reading-nerd. Your best friend. He was so important to you.

Apparently, you weren't as important to him as you thought you were.

//A bunch of feels were wanted in this, so I kept the ending sad. If you'd like a part two, I could write one.

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