(42): The Fire (Part One)

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I've had quite a few requests for a Tadashi x Reader during the fire scene of Big Hero 6 with a different kind of plot twist. So here you go! Feels!
Enjoy! (Unedited).

"I'm so proud of you, Hiro!" You say, kissing his cheek. He laughs and pushes you away. "You're growing up so fast!"

"Yeah, yeah," Hiro mumbles. "You sound like Aunt Cass."

You laugh and reach for Tadashi, your boyfriend, as the group walks down the stairs of the showcase building. He wraps an arm around your waist and kisses the top of your head.

"All right, geniuses, let's feed those hungry brains," Cass says. "Back to the cafe. Dinner is on me!"

"Yes! Nothing is better than free food!" Fred exclaims. "Except for when it's moldy!"

Tadashi hugs you tight and says, "Aunt Cass? We'll catch up, okay?"

Cass smiles and hugs you, Tadashi, and Hiro. "Sure. I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of you both." She releases them and walks to her car with the others.

"Go on, ___," Tadashi says. "I'm going to talk to my brother, here."

"Okay," You say, reaching up to kiss Tadashi. "I love you."

"Love you too," He says before pulling away.

You walk back to Cass and talk happily with her while waiting for Tadashi and Hiro to come back. Minutes pass until Cass says, "What's keeping them so long?"

"Yeah, don't they know that we're starving?" Fred asks, groaning dramatically.

You laugh. "Maybe-"

Suddenly, screams fill the air. Cass looks over towards the showcase and sees smoke. She gasps, covering her mouth.

"Ohmigosh!" Honey Lemon says, eyes wide.

"Tadashi," You whisper. You take off, eyes scanning the crowd. "Tadashi?"

"Hey! Are you okay?" You hear Tadashi's voice and run towards it. He holds a girl's shoulders as she coughs.

"Fine," She gasps. "But Professor Callaghan is still in there!"

Tadashi looks at the building. You sprint forward and grab his hand. "Tadashi, no!" You and Hiro say at the same time.

"Someone has to help!" Tadashi says.

"I'll help," You say.

"No-" Tadashi says.

"Yes. Stay here with your brother. I'll be right back." Tadashi doesn't release his grip on your hand. The chances of anyone surviving that kind of disaster were slight, and Tadashi didn't want to lose you. You knew that, and you needed to let Tadashi know that no matter what happens, you'd be okay. "I promise." Your eyes, wide with concern, tell Tadashi what you couldn't say. He nods.

Tadashi releases you, kissing your lips quickly before you run off. Seconds pass as you're running in the building, searching for Callaghan. You cough as the smoke gets thicker. "Callaghan-" You call out, but a large cracking sound makes you stop. You gasp as a huge beam cracks, and then the heat and smoke consumes you.

Outside, Tadashi and Hiro are thrown backwards as the building explodes. "No!" Tadashi screams, running forward. "No! ___! ___! ___!" As the flames rise, angrily blowing in the wind, and the ashes fall around him, he realizes that there is no way you could've survived that. No human could. He falls to his knees, his palms pressed against the pavement for support. "No," he whispers over and over again, and slowly he leans forward until his forehead is pressed against the pavement.

Hiro kneels beside his brother, eyes brimming with tears, and keeps an arm around his shoulders. He looks around the mess that was left of the showcase, hoping that you were someone still breathing. That the firefighters that were coming in would find you, that everything would be okay. Then the group of you would leave, go to the cafe and celebrate. That none of this was real. But it was. As Tadashi sobbed into the sidewalk, and Cass ran forward to see him crying, and they were told that there were no survivors, Hiro knew what Tadashi had realized the moment you ran into the building.

Nothing was going to be the same.

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