(43): You're Not All Bad

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Hiro x Villain/Hurt Reader requested by a few readers. I absolutely adore this idea, and have been wanting to get around to this request for a while. :) This one is kinda short. . .
Enjoy! (Unedited).

"Yokai is just in that warehouse, guys," Hiro says. "Ready to get those microbots back and finish this?"

"No," Wasabi whimpers.

"Yes!" Fred says, jumping up excitedly.

"If you're ready, Hiro," Honey Lemon says, touching his shoulder.

"Woman up, Wasabi," Go Go says, placing her helmet on her head.

"Alright guys, let's do this." Hiro turns to Baymax. "Kick the door down!" He orders excitedly.

Baymax kicks the door, sending it flying off of it's hinges. It clatters to the floor causing Yokai, and you, his sidekick, to turn around. You weren't sure why he needed to wear that mask, but you knew that he didn't want you to know who he was. You didn't mind though. You were only in this because of the money Yokai would pay you if you helped upgrade the microbots that he stole from Tadashi Hamada's brother. You had went to SFIT, and in order to get paid for your tuition, you needed the money. And well, you weren't doing anything illegal, so what should you worry about?

And after that fire. . . the fire that killed your best friend, there was nothing. Nothing that you wanted. You felt empty.

Yokai gasps as the group of six enter the warehouse. "What do you fools think you're doing?"

"Getting my microbots back," He says. Your eyes widen. That's Tadashi's brother. "Guys, get him!"

Yokai shoves a neural transmitter headpiece over your head. "Dispose of them in whatever way you can," He orders.

"Dispose of them?" You gasp. "We can't do that!"

"You can do that. You will do that. Do you understand?"

You look around as the six heroes battle their way through microbots. They seemed to be taking care of themselves; Hitting each other with their own weapons, getting stuck in their own traps.

"Yes sir," You say, emotionless.

Yokai touches your shoulder. "Good." He takes off and your turn to the heroes.

"Hey, you!" A guy in a kaiju suit says. "Super jump!" He leaps in the air. You stand there and create a wave of microbots that push him away. "Falling hard!"

"Get her!" Go Go shouts, gliding towards you. You throw a wall of microbots at her, pinning her against the wall.

Yokai takes care of Honey Lemon and Wasabi, leaving you against Tadashi's brother.

When Hiro sees your face, he gasps. "___?"

He knew you. Back when Tadashi first got into SFIT, you were his lab partner. "What are you doing here?"

"Get out of here, Hiro. I don't want to have to hurt you."

"Hurt me? ___.  . ."

"I said, go!" You throw waves of microbots at him, which a large robot deflects as he steps in front of him.

"Hiro, this girl is in distress," The robot says.

"Baymax?" You gasp. You'd helped Tadashi work on Baymax.

"Baymax!" Go Go screams. "Baymax, destroy!"

Suddenly, Baymax's eyes glow red. Hiro gasps. "No!" He says, jumping in front of you. "No, don't!"

"No," You whisper. "Let him do it."

"No," Hiro says. "I won't."

"Why?" You demand.

"Because I care about you," He whispers. "I always have."

"You. . . what?" You ask quietly.

"I love you. Tadashi loved you. Don't do this, ___. Fight with us." He holds his hand out to you.

"Okay," You whisper. "I will." You,place your hand on Hiro's and he twists his fingers with yours. Hands intertwined, he smiles.

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