(125): Disney Movies

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Tadashi x Reader requested by myself. I just needed a little extra Disney in my life~
Enjoy. (Unedited).

"___," Your husband, Tadashi, greets you from the enterance of the bedroom. You stand in front of a full length mirror, brushing your hair.

"Yes?" You ask.

"It's late. Are you going to bed?" Tadashi sits down on the edge of the mattress.

"Aw, 'Dashi, can't we watch a movie?" You turn around to face him.

Tadashi smiles, noticing your t-shirt with your favorite Disney character. He reaches out and pulls you onto his lap. "And what movie would that be, love?"

"(Favorite_Disney_Movie), please?"

Tadashi laughs. "Okay, okay. Let's go."


You curl up on the couch with Tadashi, his arms wrapped around your waist and your head on his shoulder. You watch the movie with delight. Tadashi smiles everytime you hum along to a song and everytime you move your lips to the words of your favorite quote.

After the film's over, he kisses your head. "Ready for bed now?"

"No," You say. "Let's watch another."

"It's late," He says, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Just one more!" You plead, grinning excitedly.

Tadashi sighs. "Fine. But only because you're so adorable when you're excited." He kisses your forehead.


Twenty minutes into (second_favorite_Disney_ movie), Tadashi realizes that you stayed silent through a whole song. You're asleep. Tadashi smiles and shakes his head. He scoops you up in his arms, cradling you against his chest. You stretch and reach up to wrap your arms around his neck. Tadashi turns the TV off and stands.

Tadashi carries you to bed. He covers you up and kisses your lips before laying down beside you. "I love you," He whispers. You let out a soft snore in response, which makes Tadashi smile as he pulls you against his chest.

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