(53): Wrapping Presents

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Well, what the heck-- it's only like 10 days until Christmas, I had a TERRIBLE day, finals are stressing me out and I need a break from like everything, I know a lot of you guys are excited for Christmas-- so whatever. Here's a short (not romantic) Baymax x Reader.
I'll probably be writing holiday one shots every other day. Maybe. I'll do my best, but I'm not in the Christmas spirit and probably won't ever be. ANYWAYS.
Enjoy. ^-^ (Unedited).

"Hey, ___, sweetie," Cass says as you walk into the Lucky Cat Cafe. "Hiro's not home yet."

"Oh, I know. I was wondering if you had wrapping paper here. I have a Christmas present for him, and we're out of wrapping essentials at home."

"Oh, of course!" Cass says. "The wrapping paper's in my room. Just grab some and head out to the garage. I'll keep Hiro away from there."

"Thank you, Cass," You say with a smile.

"Oh, wait a second!" Cass says as she wipes down the tables. "Take a cookie from the dish there."

"Thank you," You say again as you pick up a sugar cookie with red and green Christmas tree shaped sprinkles. You eat the cookie on the way to Cass's room, where you pick up silver wrapping paper, Christmas bows, and tape.

Back in the garage, you take Hiro's present out of the bag it was in. A bright red toolbox, big enough to hold three robots and all the tools needed. Instead of tools, however, you packed in all of the junk food Hiro loved. Gummy bears, fruit sodas, chocolate bars, bags of chips and boxes of popcorn. You begin to fold the paper around the toolbox.

From behind you, a voice says, "Hello."

You jump and turn around. Baymax stands before you. "Hey, Baymax," You say with a smile.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Wrapping Hiro's present," You say. Baymax peers over your shoulder. "Think he'll like it?"

"I was not aware that candy belonged in a toolbox," He says. You laugh. "He will love it."

"Good," You say.

"However, I have some concerns," Baymax says, holding up one finger.

"What?" You ask.

"The calorie intake in those foods is not healthy. We can't trust Hiro to only eat the proper serving size."

You laugh again. "It's the holidays, buddy, lighten up."

"I am a robot. I cannot 'lighten up'."

You shake your head. "Will you help me wrap this?"

"I will try my best," Baymax says.

"Okay," You say, holding down the paper. "Now take a piece of tape and place it on the edge of the paper and the top of the toolbox."

Baymax obeys, pulling out a long piece of tape. It sticks to his arm immediately, probably due to static. "Oh no," He says. He reaches for more until the roll of tape is empty and tape covers his squishy stomach and fat arms.

"Here, Baymax," You say, grabbing his hand and placing it in place of yours. "Let's switch jobs."

"That would be better," He says as you pick pieces of tape off of him. Soon enough, the present is perfectly wrapped.

"Good job, buddy," You compliment him as you pick up the present. "Now you can't tell Hiro what I got him for Christmas, okay?"

"Your secret is safe with me," Baymax says, and you hug him quickly.

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