(107): I'll Never Leave You

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A Sad Tadashi x Reader requested by Ms_Kat_2014. This is kinda weird-- but idk. I just randomly thought of it. Kinda have writer's block so this is probably just awful.
Anyways-- Enjoy c:

It was the same nightmare every night. Every night. There was never a break. The same fear, the same darkness-- it never ended. The only thing that kept you sane was your best friend, Tadashi.

When you were little, you didn't have the ability to contact him in the dead of night. He knew of your nightmare that sent you into the same anxiety attack each night. He understood it. He wanted to be there for you at all times, but he couldn't be. Each time you awoke gasping for breath, sweat soaking your hairline, eyes wide with fright, all you had to do was pull the little scrap of notebook paper out from under your pillow. It was folded, creased a million times from the nights of unfolding and folding it. It simply said,

I'm here. I'm always with you.

Your bestest friend,

Tadashi Hamada.

It was written in this blue-green crayon and had a small smiley face in the corner. It made you happy.


When you and Tadashi grew older and were given cellphones, that changed. You never needed the letter, but you kept it close. It stayed folded under your pillow. When that nightmare woke you up, you would text Tadashi. He would wake up immediately and talk to you until you fell asleep soundly. You were happy.


When the two of you grew into adults, you were more than best friends. And even after the two of you were married, you had those nightmares.

Tadashi still went to SFIT. He was always getting home late. You would wake up, gasping for breath. You would cry out weakly, "Tadashi?" But he wasn't there. You'd wait for him to get home, which took hours. When he'd get home, he'd hold you close until you fell asleep.

Tadashi had built this nurse bot, Baymax, as he called him, to comfort you as well.

From then on he decided to leave you letters. Every night there was a new one to comfort you. They always ended the same:

I'll be there always. I'll never leave you.

One day, however, Tadashi never came home. You worried. You waited. You worried more and more-- until your phone rang. You answered it excitedly.

"Hello? Tadashi? Where are you?"

"___, it's Cass."

"Cass," You say. "What? Where's 'Dashi?"

She tells you about the fire and how Professor Callaghan was still in there and how he didn't want to leave you but he had to and he's gone but he still loves you and everything just stops. Nothing makes sense anymore. Why would he leave you? Why would he do that? You had nothing.

The nightmare never changed, but the comfort did. There wasn't any comfort. No Tadashi. You were angry. He wasn't here. He left you all alone. You never activated Baymax. You didn't want him to ask about Tadashi.

You didn't unfold the letter he left you that night. It stayed on his pillow. It broke your heart just at the sight of it.

One day, you decide to read it.

It read:

My Wife, ___,

If you wake up and find that I'm not there, please don't worry. You're okay. Hiro's showcase will be great. That kid's going to do amazing things, one day! I'm so proud of him. You have no idea.
I'm also proud of you. So proud. You've managed to stay strong for so long. . . you're brave. Not even I could do that.
I love you so much. Never forget it. If you need anything, remember, Baymax is there and he gives fantastic hugs!
I'll be home soon.

Your bestest friend and loving husband,

Tadashi Hamada.

"'Dashi. . ." You whisper. You hold the note to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut. You activate Baymax and hug him tightly. He hugs you back. Tadashi had built this guy just for you. He was always here. Always.

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