(6): Broken Heart

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Ugh, I apologize for the awful title. Sigh. Anyways, this is a Hiro x Reader (surprise surprise, lol) requested by toothless4ever. Enjoy!

"Hey, ___, are you doing anything later today?" Hiro asks nervously as you help Honey Lemon mix chemicals.

"Hmmm," You say as you concentrate on the bubbling pink liquid. "I don't think so. Why?"

"I was wondering if you would want to come over later today? Play video games? See a movie?" He asks. He bites his lip, worried that you'll notice how nervous he is. You two were best friends, and his crush on you was just crazy. Why would you like him? You had a boyfriend that you were crazy about.

"Sounds great," You say, taking off your goggles. "We can go see that new horror-" Your phone rings and you hold up your finger telling Hiro to wait a minute. "It's (random guy's name)." Hiro nods and looks down as you walk off so you can have some privacy. He waits for a few minutes until you come back. "That was (__)," You say. "He uh, wants me to go eat dinner with his parents."

"Oh. That's cool. We don't have to do anything today," Hiro says, shrugging like he doesn't care. "Another time." He nods.

"Hiro..." You sigh. He gives you a sad smile and you pull him into a hug. "You know I love you, Hiro."

"Yeah," he says, returning the hug. "I love you too." Just in a different way.


--Two Months Later--

It went on like that for weeks. Hiro would attempt to make plans with you and your boyfriend would somehow manage to ruin it all. He couldn't hate your boyfriend, though. He seemed to take care of you. And if he loved you, how could Hiro hate him? If he kept you safe, kept you happy?

He was still jealous.

He wanted to badly to just tell you how he felt, to present you with as many gifts and tokens of love as your boyfriend did, no matter how cheesy that sounded. But he couldn't. So while you were seeing a sequel to yours and Hiro's favorite film that you had originally planned to see with him months before with your boyfriend, Hiro went for a walk in the empty alleyways.

From sundown to almost ten, he thought about what would be happening. Had he kissed you yet? The thought makes him angry. But why? He shouldn't be angry. You were happy with that guy.

"Ugh!" Hiro mumbles to himself, squeezing his eyes shut and covering his face with his hand. Suddenly, it begins to rain. Hiro groans and pulls his hood up but continues to walk. He keeps walking until he  turns a corner and sees a figure sitting by an empty road, leaning against the brick wall of a building and lit up underneath the streetlight. The figure had (h/l) (h/c) hair, dripping wet. Their face was buried in their hands, but Hiro knew who it was. "___?" He asks, walking towards you.

You look up and wipe your face. "H-Hiro!" You say. Hiro sits down beside you and touches your arm.

"What are you doing out here?" He demands. "You're freezing." He removes his hoodie that had been warm from his own body temperature and drapes it around your shoulders. "What happened?"

"H-he broke up with me," You say, wiping your face again.

"Oh," Hiro says. Should he feel happy? He doesn't. He sighs. "I'm sorry. Do you know why he did?"

"He found someone better," You say bitterly. "I guess I should've known that I wasn't special. I wasn't going to be around for long."

"Don't say that, ___." Hiro pulls you close and you lean your head on his shoulder. "You're special and you'll find someone better, I promise."

"Why are you comforting me?" You ask. "I've been nothing but mean to you for a couple of months."

"Because I-" He pauses, taking a deep breath. "I love you, okay?"

"I know-" You try to say.

"No, it's different. I'm in love with you."

"You're..." You trail off, shaking your head at him. "But... Why? Why are you in love with me?"

"Because... Because... I-I don't know, I just.. Ugh, this is hard." Hiro drops his head in his hands.

You stare ahead. Do you have feelings for him too? After your boyfriend broke your heart? You turn back to Hiro and slowly reach out to touch his shoulder. He sits up and stares at you and you wrap your arms around his neck. "I love you, Hiro."

"You do?" He asks, eyes widening in surprise.

You nod and lean in to kiss him. Hiro's hands go to the small of your back and you scoot closer to him, desperate for warmth as the cold rain soaks the two of you. Hiro kisses you and then you pull away, smiling.

"I'm sorry for leaving you for so long," You say.

"It doesn't matter now," Hiro says and he kisses you again.

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