(35): My Hiro

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Hiro x Reader requested by solacesystem. Again, I apologize for the wait! ^-^ I might update again today. Maybe. I'm going to go see Mockingjay Part 1 tonight because I wasn't feeling well enough to go on opening night like I usually do for the release of the movies. (I'm a huge fan. I've read the books at least 50 times each, no joke. Lol.) So I'm pretty excited for the upcoming feels. . . even though from what I can tell they changed some stuff from the book which is not cool.
ANYWAYS. So-- enjoy!

As you're eating your dinner alone, your cellphone goes off. You pick it up. Hiro. Your best friend.

"Hello?" You answer.

"___, ___? Please tell me that you're home."

"Yeah. . . why?"

"Yokai, my microbots. . . he's. . .  Oh, crap! Baymax! Run!" Hiro's panic is broken by static.

"Hiro?" You shoot up, pulling your shoes on. "Hiro, oh God. Hiro, where are you?"

"The abandoned warehouse that's downtown. . . Don't come help! Call the cops! Stay away, he'll get you too-- ah! No! Stay away! ___! Hey- let me go!" Then the line goes dead.

"Hiro? Hiro? Hiro!" Your rapid breathing increases. What's happening to him? You've gotta help.


You haven't stopped running since you walked out the door, and finally you've arrived. You push on the side door until it opens with a creak. Everything inside is destroyed, the only light coming from the broken windows. You strain to hear something. Nothing- wait- a small beeping noise in the corner. You go to examine it. It's a microbot, trapped in a small dish.

"Hiro," You whisper. "Alright, little guy. . . where are they?"

The microbot throws itself against the side of the dish and you use it as a guide to the end of the warehouse. In a small room, Hiro lays on the ground. A cage of microbots keeps him against the wall. He's unconscious. But not alone.

Yokai stands before a set of screens, upgrading the microbots? You shake your head. Why does this guy need them? You look around for a weapon. Conveniently, a shard of glass is nearby. Quietly, you pick it up and crouch beside the wall, slowly opening the door more. It creaks, but Yokai doesn't move.

But Hiro does. His eyes slowly open and he looks at you. "No," He mouths, shaking his head.

There was no way you were leaving him here alone.  "Are you okay?" You mouth.

He sits up, grimacing. Obviously in pain. . . you look at Yokai, who's back is to you. You tighten your grip on the shard of glass, ignoring the sharp pain of it cutting into your skin.

Slowly, you creep into the room. Please don't turn around. . . please don't turn around. . . Finally, you reach him. You raise the shard of glass and bury it in his shoulder. Yokai screams and pain and turns around, clenching his shoulder.

"You. . . what are you doing here?" He asks harshly. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a gun. You freeze.

"No, ___! Run!" Hiro screams, throwing himself against the bars of microbots keeping him from reaching you. "Stop, leave her alone! No!"

Yokai shoots at your head and you duck. Better than expected. . . Without wasting anymore time you dive at Yokai, wrapping your arms around his legs and taking him down onto the floor. He struggles to get up and you scramble on top of him, holding his arms down with your knees and reaching for his mask.

You knock it off of him and it clatters to the floor. But before you get a look at his face, he pushes you off and hits you in the head with the gun. You fall, unconscious. The microbots fall, no longer controlled by Yokai.

"No!" Hiro screams.  Yokai grabs his mask and runs. Hiro doesn't hesitate to run to your side. He lifts you into his lap and strokes your cheek. "___? I'm sorry. This is my fault. If I hadn't tried to do this. . . you wouldn't be like this. You could he hurt, o-or worse. . . and it's my fault. I'm sorry. Please don't leave me, please be okay. I-I love you, ___."

"I love you too," You whisper, opening your eyes.

"You're okay!" Hiro shouts, hugging you.

"I'm okay," You say.

"You saved me," He says.

You nod. "Guess so."

"You're my hero," He says, kissing your cheek.

"No," You say. "You're my Hiro." and then you kiss him.

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