(73): Comic Books

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Fred x Reader I thought of as I was reading my comic books, haha. Enjoy. :)

You were alone in your room, just reading one of your favorite comics. It was (fav_superhero) fighting bravily against (fav_villain). The fight was average, the strong hero finding strength in the woman he loves, and after all hope seems lost- he finds strength again. The villain is defeated, the hero is triumphant-

"Hey, ___!" Someone says from the doorway. You jump. Fred stands there with a goofy grin on his face.

"Fred," You say. "How in the world did you get in my house?"

"Door was unlocked," He says with a shrug. "What are you reading?"

"(Fav_hero)," You say, turning your attention back to the comic. Fred sits down next to you.

"Ah, I love that guy. Read some to me."

"What?" You ask.

"Read some!" He says, patting your hand.

"Um, okay." You flip to the first page. (A/N: I'm borrowing this part from Marvel Comics #4; Avengers Infinity. I freaking love that one. If it doesn't fit with your hero, just pretend) "Um, okay. 'Six of the Earth's mightiest heroes-- (pick_six_heroes) crossed the galaxy to answer a cry-"

"No, no, no," Fred interrupts, grabbing the comic. "You're reading it all wrong! Let Freddie see." He clears his throat and narrates loudly, "'Six of the Earth's mightiest heroes-- (six_heroes) -- cross the galaxy to answer a cry for help, only to find a gravely injured (villain), a ravaged world, and a merciless ATTACK FORCE!" You can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. He was kinda adorable. Okay, he was very adorable. You couldn't help it; you reached up and kissed his cheek.

Fred stops. "W-what'd you do that for?"

You shake your head and smile. "I just. . . I don't know."

He smiles and sets the comic book down. His hand finds yours. You lace your fingers with his. "Um," He says awkwardly.

"Will you keep reading, Freddie?" You ask.

"Of course," He says, picking up the comic. He opens it and continues reading. As he reads, you can't help but fall in love.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now