(21): Amazing

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Wasabi x Reader requested by just a few of you readers. I loved writing this! Wasabi is my second favorite of the six! Enjoy!

"Ohmigosh, hi!" A girl with long dirty blonde hair says, bouncing over to you as you step into SFIT. It's your first day, and you were thrilled to finally be in a college where you could invent and discover anything you wanted. The girl holds her hand out to you and you take it, smiling at her enthusiasm as she shakes your hand. "I'm Honey Lemon!"

"___," You say as she releases your hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's great to meet you! Come on, I'll show you around!" She skips to a lab where a younger kid works on fitting armor on a huge inflatable robot. "Hiro, meet ___!"

"Hey, ___. I'm Hiro." He shakes your hand. "And this is Baymax."

"Wow, Baymax, huh?" You circle the robot, poking his squishy arms and stomach. "Carbon-fiber. And titanium skeleton." You nod in approval. "How much can this guy lift?"

"Five hundred pounds," Hiro says.

"Nice," You say, nodding again.

"Oh, there's Go Go! C'mon!" Honey Lemon grabs your hand and drags you out of the lab before you can says goodbye to Hiro. "Hey, Go Go!"

"Can't talk, gotta ride!" A girl says, zooming by on a bike.

"But, Go Go- oh, well. That's Go Go." Honey shrugs and drags you to another lab. "I don't see Fred around here... So you can meet Wasabi!" She releases her grip and waves you off to a lab where a man with large muscles and dark hair organizes tools on his desk. He hears your footsteps and frowns.

"Whoever you are, behind the line, please!" He says.

You look down and step back, shrugging. "Oh, sorry," You say.

Wasabi turns around, eyes widening when he sees you. "No, no, I'm sorry. I thought you were one of the others. You must be the new student."

"That's me," You say with a smile. "I'm ___."

"Wasabi," He says, returning the smile. "Would you like to see what I have been working on?"

"S-sure!" You say, hesitantly stepping over the line.

Honey gasps in shock at the sight. Wasabi never let's anyone over the line. Go Go stops, watching in amazement. "Did he just...?"

Honey squeals. "I think he likes her!"

"Prepare to be amazed, ___." He steps behind a table and tosses you an apple. You flinch, but the apple is sliced into paper-thin pieces.

"Whoa!" You say. "This is amazing!"

Wasabi laughs. "Told you."

"How did you do that?" You ask. Wasabi leads you to his desk.

"I have a system. Everything has a place here. That's why, as a physics student, I am the only one with an optic system so precise. I believe that there is a place for everything; everything in its place."

You laugh quietly and Wasabi smiles down at you. You knew that you were going to get along great with this guy.


--6 Months Later--

"Hey, Wasabi, how's your new set of lasers going?" You ask, stepping over the line. He'd been working on a stronger set for months, and you'd always been there to encourage him.

"You tell me," He says, tossing a pineapple through the lasers. The pineapple is cut in pieces thinner than paper. You smile.

"You did it!" You say, jumping up and down. Wasabi laughs and wipes his forehead in relief. "You did it, Wasabi!" You jump up, wrapping your arms around his neck. Wasabi doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist. He spins you around and you pull away, smiling up at him. Without thinking, you kiss him. Wasabi's eyes widen and you pull away. "Sorry-" You begin to say, but you're cut off by Wasabi's lips pressed up against yours again. This time he kisses back, and you ignore the murmurs of Honey, Go Go, Hiro, and Fred who watch from their labs.

"You're amazing," He whispers, pulling away. "You're the only reason I finished this."

You smile and kiss him again.

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