(18): Flight Around San Fransokyo

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I have been getting a few requests for flying over San Fransokyo on Baymax, and many requests for Hiro x Reader, so here you all go! Enjoy!

"___," Hiro greets you as you walk into the Lucky Cat Cafe.

"Hey, Hiro," You say with a smile. Hiro takes your hand and leads you upstairs to the apartment. You sit on Hiro's bed and wave at Baymax, who stands by the window. "Hey, Baymax, what's up?"

"Hello. I would like to go fly," He says, his eyes not leaving the window. "I think it would be... Sick."

You laugh and look at Hiro, who smiles up at his robot friend. "Alright, buddy, let's go fly." He leads Baymax to the garage so he can suit up. "You're coming too, ___."

"What?" You ask in disbelief. "Hiro, I don't know. I mean- I'm not a super hero and honestly, I'm scared."

"Hey," He says softly, walking up to touch your shoulder. "Don't be scared. I wouldn't let anything happen to you." You stare at him. Hiro smiles. "And it's fun."

"Okay," you sigh. "I'll go."

"Sweet," he says, taking your hand and running outside. "Let's go, Baymax!"

Baymax follows you and Hiro to the alley behind the cafe, where hardly anyone stays to hang out. Hiro runs tests on Baymax to be sure that you know everything is safe, and then scrambles up his back. Baymax flies with ease and Hiro pats his shoulder. "So far so good, buddy." He reaches out to you. "C'mon."

You sigh and take his hand. He tugs you up and you cling to him as he sits up straight on Baymax's back. "H-Hiro!" You scream, grabbing at his shoulders and burying your face in his neck.

"Whoa, ___. Chill, it's okay." He touches your arm and loosens your grip on him. "I told you that I wouldn't let anything happen to you, right?"

"Right," You whisper shakily.

"And you trust me, right?"

"Of course," You say, moving your hands to his waist and sitting up.

"See? Nothing is scary. Nothing will hurt you while I'm around."

You smile and kiss Hiro's cheek. "You're adorable, you know that, right?" You ask. Hiro blushes and shrugs.


Baymax flies until the sun sets. As the sun disappears, the last of its rays of light shining across the sparkling waters of San Fransokyo Bay, he lands on the highest skyscraper in the city. There, you sit next to Hiro, feet dangling down towards the busy city below hand in hand. Hiro stares at you happily while you look at the water.

"You're beautiful, you know that, right?" He murmurs.

You blush and smile. "Thank you, Hiro." You turn to face him and touch his cheek.

"Anytime," He whispers, leaning in to kiss your lips.

The two of you sit there until the sun has well disappeared and the moon shines bright overhead.

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